10 Ways to Get Through a Hard Time
Have you been going through a hard time? Sometimes as a Christian, we feel like we should always have it “put together” and know how to handle trials, struggles and bad circumstances. Unfortunately, being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from going through a hard time. Jesus told us as much…
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)
However, sometimes it’s just hard to know what to do in the midst of the trouble. Sometimes we already know what to do, we just need someone to remind us or to confirm what we already know.
Previously we talked about the difficulties of going through a transition and discussed some strategies to navigate through the process. Because transitions often include “hard times”, this week I thought I would share 10 ways that I, personally, get through a hard time. This is kind of my go-to list of things to do (even when and ESPECIALLY when I don’t feel like it).
Take Some Practical Steps—10 Ways to Get Through a Hard Time:
1. First, just breathe.
This may sound trivial, but there are times when I literally just need to take some deep breaths and try to survive the moment. That’s usually my short-term goal–SURVIVE! I know what it’s like to feel like I don’t have enough strength except to just breathe. Typically, I try to take moments at a time and try not to think too far ahead until I’m ready to do so. I make it through that minute, then that hour, then that part of the day, then eventually I can endure days at a time and so on. I have to build up my endurance sometimes.
It’s okay to not have it all figured out and to take some time to just “be”. Just don’t stay there. A very wise friend once told me, “It’s okay to go through the valley. Just don’t pitch a tent and camp there!”
2. Secondly, encourage yourself.
Do like David did when he was greatly distressed in 1 Samuel 30:6–He encouraged himself in the Lord.
“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)
Encourage yourself with scripture, positive affirmations and promises from God that are relevant to your situation and bring you peace. You can also encourage yourself by using positive self-talk. Remind yourself “This too shall pass.” Think on positive things, and don’t dwell on the problems.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:6-8 (NLT)
3. Next, listen to (and/or sing) praise music.
This has to be one of the single most important and helpful things that I do. It’s amazing how after one or two songs you feel so much better. I’ve said before that praise music can be like a spiritual anti-depressant! This one simple act of praise can completely shift my mood.
I now typically have a daily routine that starts with praise music on my phone while I’m making my coffee and breakfast. I listen to some downloaded praise and worship, or I listen to a playlist I created on YouTube or Spotify with some of my favorite praise and worship songs. The Bible says to “enter” with thanksgiving and praise, so I like to “enter” or start my day with praise.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4 (NLT)
I’ve been known to play praise music nonstop when I’m in a bit of a funk. I promise you this works—Give it a try!
4. Then, find some Bible verses that help you.
When I’m going through a hard time, I like to find verses that seem to fit my situation or that are just uplifting or encouraging. I write them on index cards and post them around the house, typically on my bathroom mirror or my nightstand—just somewhere where I’ll see them daily.
I remember when I was in college, my boyfriend and I had just broke up, and I couldn’t bear to take down all of his pictures yet. So instead, I just took post-it notes and wrote Bible verses on them and covered up each picture with a verse. Then whenever I was tempted to look at his picture and feel sad, I was getting encouraged by God’s Word instead.
Several years ago when my dad was in the hospital, my sister wrote out healing verses on cards and taped them all over the rails on his hospital bed. Surrounding yourself with reassuring scriptures can significantly raise your spirits. You can find some uplifting verses or scriptures that fit your situation in a variety of places.
- Look in your Bible concordance in the back of your Bible by looking up a word or topic (i.e. healing, money, marriage, children, peace, faith, sadness, etc.).
- Do a word/topic search in a Bible app or in an online Bible (bible.com, biblehub.com, biblegateway.com, etc.).
- Google “scriptures about…” and find some verses by subject/topic.
- Ask friends for recommendations of verses that have helped them.
- Get a book containing verses by topic. Two books that I have and use are God’s Promises for Your Every Need and God’s Wisdom For Your Every Need.
- Check out this list I’ve compiled for Scriptures for Troubling Times or see if you find anything helpful or relevant in this “Scriptures for…” resource page.
5. Read your Bible.
Have a daily quiet time. (If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to this site to get a free download: 10 steps to an Effective Quiet Time.) God will talk to you, encourage you, and comfort you through the words in his book. He will give you advice, ideas and direction. He will show you what to do and he will strengthen you through the process.
“Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” Romans 15:4 (NLT)

A camel can endure the hardships of the desert because it has water stored in its hump. In the same way we can endure the hardships of life, if we take time to store God’s Word in our hearts. Photo Courtesy of Joyfultoons.com
6. Read devotionals.
It is especially helpful to find devotions that are applicable to your situation. You can access a large selection of devotions and reading plans through the Bible app or YouVersion.com (see a list of free YouVersion reading plans/devotionals here).
Check your church bookstore or library to see what they have to offer, or borrow a devotional book or two from a friend. Many pastors or speakers also have devotions that can be sent to you via e-mail. Some of my favorites are Rick Renner, Beth Jones, Joyce Meyer, Les and Leslie Parrott, and Joe McGee (they are all free–click on any of their names to access their devotion sign-up forms). You can also go to your local Christian bookstore to browse their devotionals or order online. I have too many favorites to suggest them all here. Feel free to shoot me an email if you’d like some suggestions!
7. Listen to podcasts/audio teachings.
Again, this is especially helpful if they apply to your situation. Build your faith in areas where you might be going through a hard time…finances, health, marriage, relationships, raising children, career, etc. Find pastors/speakers that you love and subscribe to their podcasts or download a few that look like they might be helpful to you. I often call myself a podcast fiend! 😉 I’m constantly listening to teachings on-the-go. One of my absolute favorite series of teachings that I listen to over and over when I’m going through a hard time is from Pastor Willie George. It’s a series titled “Triumph”. He has several other good teaching messages here.
“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17 (NIV)
8. Pray.
Spend some time talking to God. Pour your heart out to him. It’s okay–if you don’t think so, just read through Psalms…David whines to God all the time! 🙂 I have found it especially helpful for me to pray in the spirit when I’m going through a hard time. I believe in doing so, I am praying God’s perfect will for my situation (Romans 8:26-27), and I’m being built up and edified (1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 1:20). You can also make some scripture-based prayers or find prewritten prayers that fit your situation. **Check out this Prayer for Strength or visit this page for a list of other prayers that may be helpful.
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV) (see relevant post here)
“Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand.” 1 Corinthians 14:15 (NLT)
9. Surround yourself with friends and family that will pray for and encourage you.
DON’T isolate yourself! It’s okay to have quiet time, but don’t cut yourself off from the world and people. You need support. Have someone you can “vent” to when you’re going through a hard time. Have people in your life that are good at building you up. Stay away from the leeches! 🙂 You know who I’m talking about. This is the time when you need the type of people around you who will pour into you, not suck you dry.
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)
10. Finally, you basically just need to immerse yourself in and surround yourself with all things godly.
Go to church! Listen to godly/uplifting music. Watch wholesome T.V. Read good and helpful books. Think of covering yourself with a “God-blanket”—that sounds kind of cheesy. Really though…the more you are immersed and surrounded the more protected you will be and the harder it will be for negative thinking to penetrate.
Disclaimer: Remember this is advice for when you are going through a hard time. I am not insinuating that you should completely and forever alienate anything that doesn’t have to do with God. This is NOT a recommendation or permission for you to get all weird. You can be a Christian AND be a normal human being. Don’t go getting in a religious ditch. Don’t be a weirdo!
If you look at this list and think it seems overwhelming, remember that negative circumstances and going through a hard time will typically last only for a season. Different seasons require different types of clothes. If we think of going through a hard time as a winter season, we can compare it to having to put on more clothes for more protection against the elements.
Hard times require more effort to get through them. You will not have to put in so much effort all the time, just like you wouldn’t wear your winter clothes year-round. Just understand that different seasons require different preparation in order to thrive in them. If you haven’t had a chance to read the previous post on going through transition, click here to check it out and get a few more tips on making it through a hard time.
What kinds of things do you do when you are going through a hard time? Share them with us by leaving a comment below.
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If you have benefited from this post or if you know anyone that could benefit from this, please pay it forward and share this post with them via the sharing links below! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)
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**Updated: Originally posted 2/10/2015