6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year-Round
“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)
With Thanksgiving being celebrated in the United States next week, we are reminded to be thankful for all the blessings and good things we have. However, I’ve learned that it’s extremely important to be thankful and content in any and every situation and also to be thankful year-round. I’ve discovered that when I’m thankful, things around me seem brighter, and I focus less on what’s wrong and more on what’s good and right.
Thankful people are happier people. I read a good article by Robert Emmons about why gratitude is good. In fact, it stated that studies show that gratitude has the ability to make us healthier, to increase levels of joy, pleasure, and happiness, and to reap social benefits.[i] In essence, people who can stay thankful year-round are happy, healthy, and prosperous people! 🙂
So how can we practice being thankful year-round and not just at Thanksgiving time?
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:20 (ESV)
Take Some Practical Steps: 6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year-Round:
First, thank and praise God for something each morning before you get out of bed, before your feet even hit the floor.
This will help to start your day off right.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4 (NLT)
Second, thank God for something each night before closing your eyes to sleep.
Third, journal your gratitude and write down something that you’re thankful for EACH DAY.
You can do this in one of several ways…
Daily entries in a Gratitude Journal.

Gratitude Journal
I was first encouraged to keep a gratitude journal while reading Joyce Meyer’s book: Look Great, Feel Great: 12 Keys to Enjoying a Healthy Life Now (great read!). The idea is to keep the journal somewhere you will see it every day and create daily entries.
There are also a variety of Gratitude Journal smartphone apps that are available for download. Another option is to make your own gratitude journal with a small spiral notebook or blank journal (available at the dollar store).
By the way, Gratitude Journals also make great gifts or stocking stuffers in addition to serving as great keepsakes to share down through the years. I’m thankful that David wrote down a form of a gratitude journal throughout the Psalms. I’ve referred to them many a time as a source of encouragement.
Daily entries in your quiet time journal–Write “I’m thankful for…” each day.
Daily entries on a small dry erase board or chalkboard–Display it in a public place in your home, and write something that you’re thankful for each day.

“I’m thankful for” dry erase board
Another option would be to make your own by purchasing a frame, and instead of inserting a photo, create a paper to insert behind the glass that says “I’m thankful for…” (you can print it on a nice scrapbook or decorative paper if you want). Then, attach a dry erase marker to the frame (with either Velcro or a string).
Daily entries in a “Thankful” jar. Get a jar (like a recycled pickle jar) and keep a small notepad and pen beside it.

“Thankful” jar
If daily is too much, throughout the year have family members periodically write what they are thankful for, sign it, fold it up, and stick it in the jar. This should preferably be done on a regular basis—maybe make a “Thankful Thursday” where everyone writes a thankful note every Thursday and puts it in the jar. Then on Thanksgiving, pull the jar out and read each of the entries together. If you’re the crafty type (I’m not!), feel free to decorate your jar and make pretty little entry slips. These could later be scrapbooked if you’re into that. Me? Not so much. I’d rather take a photo of them to put in a digital scrapbook. 🙂
Fourth, write thank you notes whenever you receive a gift or other thoughtful gesture.
I, personally, need to be a lot better about this and better about teaching my kids to do this as well (first I need to set the example). I have friends who are very good at sending thank you notes, and it always brightens my day and makes me feel appreciated (and thankful myself).
Fifth, say thank you.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but a lot of times we forget this common courtesy. We need to say it more often. We also need to purpose to thank others for making a difference (in our lives and others).
“I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly” Ephesians 1:16 (NLT)
Sixth, go out of your way to show appreciation for good service or a job well done.
We are often quick to write a letter of complaint or to ask to speak to a manager when we are not happy about a situation. However, we need to do the same in reverse too. When you get great customer service, ask to speak to the manager, and then brag on the employee. Write letters of appreciation. This type of affirmation speaks volumes to people, and what a great Christian example at the same time!
What other ideas do you have for staying thankful year-round? Share them with us by leaving a comment below.
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Update: Originally posted 11/25/2014
[i] Emmons, Robert. “Why Gratitude Is Good.” Greater Good Magazine, 16 Nov. 2010, https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_gratitude_is_good.
I am so thankful for a couple of very beautiful and awesome daughters who make me glad to be their mom, let alone, a mom. I know THEIR lives are a big part of the reason for MY life!
Great parents help make great daughters! 😉