I Just Turned 40! Find Out How I Felt So Loved by Gifts and Acts of Service
I celebrated my 40th birthday this past weekend. Boy, turning 40 sure has been a trip! I’ve seen more changes at this age than at any other. My hormones are going bonkers. I’ve been dealing with crazy adult acne and melasma (discoloration of my skin) lately. My eyesight has changed significantly. I’m now finding myself having to pull things away from my face to see them better. I think bifocals or reading glasses may be in my near future! Apparently I’m now supposed to be getting mammograms every year. Yay. I’ve also experienced some other changes that would be inappropriate to discuss, so I’ll spare you the details! You’re welcome.
Truly though, I can say that I am very happy, healthy and prosperous at this age! God has really blessed me, and although my life is far from perfect, I am very content and pleased to be standing where I am today. I also know that God has much more in store for me. As far as I’m concerned, my life isn’t even half over yet! I’m excited and maybe a little apprehensive about what’s to come in the years ahead. Whatever happens though, I have the most amazing support system to tackle anything that life throws at me. I understand what Paul meant when he talked about being content:
“…for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content–whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13 (HCSB)

40th birthday painting party
I felt so very loved this past weekend as my family and friends celebrated with me. Some of them joined me for a fun painting party at a local DIY shop, Completely Random. Afterwards we had some friends and family over to the house for a Parisian-themed party. My house looked like we stepped right into Paris thanks to my sister-Shawna (I’ve written about her talents before), my mom-Jacki, my sister-Cora, and my sister-in-law-Keisha. There was so much time, money and effort spent on making my party fabulous and full of all things that I love.
My primary love languages are receiving gifts and acts of service. I’ve written before about feeling loved by others and how to recognize that. Others’ love for me was very evident this past weekend. My love bank was very full! For someone whose love languages are gifts and acts of service, it means the world to know that someone has thought of you and knows you well enough to know what you’d like.

My 40th birthday party spread
Just a FEW examples of gifts and acts of service for me this past weekend:
- My husband and kids loved me through acts of service by helping get the house clean and ready for our guests.
- My family bought and prepared my favorite foods…cheeses, meats (charcuterie), olives, breads, and coffee.
- My good friend Michelle made me her oh-so-yummy German Chocolate cake (because I kept going on and on at her party about how good it was).
- There was an array of fruits and veggies (so thankful to have some yummy healthy food too).
- There was a PLETHORA of sweets and treats, all Parisian-inspired, and some even prepared by the local French restaurants and pastry shops.
- The attention to detail and the time spent on all of the elaborate decorations meant so much because of the time sacrificed to do them—knowing that I’d love each and every element. My dad and brother-in-law even chipped in their efforts (and I think the kids did too!). My artistic niece also drew me a picture of the Eiffel Tower and my nephew made an Eiffel Tower out of Legos. 🙂

A few of the yums from the party
I did indeed indulge devour more than my fair share. In fact I had a small tummy ache later indicating that I may have overdone it! It’s okay to splurge on my special day, right?!
“So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15 (NLT)
It was very obvious that they took the time to make sure it had everything I loved and was very customized and catered to me. My guests even took the time in their gifts to show that they knew what I enjoyed. They weren’t random gifts picked out “just because”. Each gift symbolized something that I loved and appreciated—people knew me enough to know what I’d like. Even the gifts cards and money gifts had purpose because they were intended for places or things in particular that they knew I loved, wanted or needed. People paid attention if they heard or saw that I liked or wanted something.
My challenge to you this week is to bring this kind of love and joy to someone else in your life. Do you know someone who feels loved by receiving gifts and acts of service?
Take Some Practical Steps to Show Love by Gifts and Acts of Service:
- Do you know the love languages of your closest family members and friends? If not, go read this post and/or visit the 5 Love Languages website to learn more. You can even sign up for the weekly newsletter to get tips via e-mail each week for each of the 5 love languages. I love these because I’m always getting new, fresh ideas of different ways to show that I love people.
- Pay attention to what others show an interest in or what they talk about–Make mental note (or actual note if you’re anything like me!) to remember those things later. I like to make notes in my phone labeled “Gift Ideas” and add things to it when others mention something they like. Those notes come in handy later on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or even on those “just because” days. I had a very special friend/family member (she’s now passed on) who used to give us gifts at random times for no apparent reason, and she’d say “This is your Tuesday gift!” (or whatever day of the week that it might be at the time). She always made people feel so special and loved because she knew what they liked and often surprised them with gifts.
- Pay attention to their frustrations and try to lend a helping hand. If they complain about a certain task, do it on their behalf from time to time. If they forgot something, pick it up for them or send them a reminder later. If they seem overwhelmed by something that they’re doing, offer to help without being asked.
- If you ever see something that reminds you of someone, buy it for them if you can or at least tell them about it later. People like to know they are being thought of and that they were on your mind. I think this is really what’s behind the gifts and acts of service. It’s not the gift or act so much as it is that they are known and loved enough that you are thinking of them even if they are not around.
What suggestions do you have to show love to people with gifts and acts of service? Leave a comment below (click on the post link to join the conversation if you’re viewing through e-mail) or take the conversation to your favorite social media channel (sharing links below).
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