6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year-Round

6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year Round

6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year-Round

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)

With Thanksgiving being celebrated in the United States next week, we are reminded to be thankful for all the blessings and good things we have.  However, I’ve learned that it’s extremely important to be thankful and content in any and every situation and also to be thankful year-round.  I’ve discovered that when I’m thankful, things around me seem brighter, and I focus less on what’s wrong and more on what’s good and right.

Thankful people are happier people.  I read a good article by Robert Emmons about why gratitude is good.  In fact, it stated that studies show that gratitude has the ability to make us healthier, to increase levels of joy, pleasure, and happiness, and to reap social benefits.[i]  In essence, people who can stay thankful year-round are happy, healthy, and prosperous people! 🙂

So how can we practice being thankful year-round and not just at Thanksgiving time?

“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:20 (ESV)

Take Some Practical Steps: 6 Simple Ways to Stay Thankful Year-Round:

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Funny Friday: Family Game Night

Family Game Night meme

Funny Friday: Family Game Night

My mom shared this meme with us. “If you’re cremated after you die, you can be put into an hourglass and continue to participate in family game night.”

“A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children…” Proverbs 13:22a (NIV)

Life Lessons to be Learned in Fantasy Football

Here are some Life Lessons to be Learned in Fantasy Football

Life Lessons to be Learned in Fantasy Football

In 2015, I joined a Fantasy Football league.  For anyone that knows me well, this would have probably been some extremely shocking news.  Most people might have said to me, “Don’t you have enough football in your life already?”  You see, my husband and son are avid football fans…of ALL football.  My son played football at the time.  My husband coached at the time.  They’ve played Fantasy Football for years.  Additionally, my husband used to occasionally play flag football with the church.  They both watch…and watch…and watch…both NFL and college ball.  So basically, football is a 7 day/week phenomenon at our house with all the practicing, playing, and watching.  Thus, why I’ve come to despise it.  I’ve often referred to myself as a football widow.

You might see then why joining a Fantasy Football league seemed counterintuitive.  However, a friend somehow convinced me that it would be good for me (and my family), and for some crazy reason, I agreed with her!  More or less, it’s a “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” philosophy.  My choice to join them was based on wanting to be a part of something that they enjoy so much, even if it’s not an interest of mine.  I hoped that I would also learn to love and enjoy it as they do (well, maybe not quite as much!).  My friend promised me I would have fun, so I told her I was going to hold her to it!

Shared experiences

I also looked forward to the benefits that come from sharing experiences.  According to clinical psychologist Dr. Willard Harley, recreational companionship is one of the top five needs for a man in marriage.  In fact, he puts it this way, “The couple that plays together stays together.”[i]

Although I don’t necessarily agree with all of Dr. Harley’s insinuations that unmet needs are the cause of affairs, I do believe in the importance of shared or common interests and recreational companionship.  Eric and I do this in other areas too.  For example, we both love going to auctions and estate sales. We love being outdoors and on the water and enjoying a few other common interests together.

Now, football (or any sport for that matter) might not be my top preference, but it IS my husband’s and also my son’s.  Therefore, because it’s important to them, I chose to make it important to me.  Who was to say that I might not even really enjoy myself?  I wouldn’t know unless I gave it a try.  Don’t get me wrong though, I definitely still think there can be a ditch there.  When our lives revolve around football, I think that’s really sad…and almost idolatry.  For the time, though, I chose to be a part of the madness. And I figured I might as well get some good blog posts out of it as well! 😉

Here are a few life lessons I learned from Fantasy Football…

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Funny Friday: Router password

Router password meme

Funny Friday: Router password

Here’s another Funny Friday from The Bible Is Funny! This one about a router password is especially relatable since my husband just hooked up a new router for us this week. “Them: ‘The password is on the back of the router.’ The back of the router: ‘Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz'”

“The LORD said to me, “Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.” Isaiah 8:1 (NIV)

How Are You Making Excuses With God?

Are you notorious for making excuses? Do you even make excuses with God? Learn how to stop making excuses with God...

How Are You Making Excuses With God?

We’ve been discussing setting goals and making Vision Boards in my college courses recently.  I remembered when I first started doing mine that I experienced quite a bit of doubt, especially on the Vision Board.  Some of those dreams, visions, and goals just seemed so lofty and out of reach to me. I found myself making excuses for why I might never achieve them.

Then I heard a quote from Steven Furtick: “If the size of your vision isn’t intimidating to you, there’s a good chance it’s insulting to God.”  That really struck me and hit me right in my pride!  Anything great that God calls me to do MUST be beyond my reach in order to force me to rely on God and not on my own merits, talents, or efforts.

What about you?  When you think of great dreams and visions for your life do you experience some self-doubt?  Do you find yourself making excuses?  Are there some things that you are hesitant or even scared to put in writing or picture form?  Good!  That means then that you will HAVE to lean on God to help you achieve them, and you and others will see that only God could have helped you do that “impossible” thing.  He loves to show off by the way! 😉

You can’t argue with God and win

A few years ago, I was looking back through one of my old quiet time journals.  I came across an entry back in February of 2014 where I was doing exactly what I just described to you.  I was making excuses with God.  At the time I was really feeling God leading me to write, blog, speak, etc.  It was a crazy, scary concept for me to even imagine.

Then, conveniently the story of Moses kept coming up (hmmm…could that be God’s voice?).  I was reading through the books of Exodus 3 and Exodus 4.  God was calling Moses to be a leader, but Moses protested when God told him to go to Egypt to lead the people out.  He kept making excuses with God (this sounded very familiar to me!).  Funny thing though…Moses learned something that I’ve had to learn the hard way too–you can’t argue with God.  He always wins.  Making excuses doesn’t work with Him because He always has a counter. Continue reading

Jesus is the Cornerstone: What does this mean for us?

Jesus is the Cornerstone What does this mean for us title image

Jesus is the Cornerstone: What does this mean for us?

“Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.” Ephesians 2:20 (NLT)

My church small group is currently reading through and studying the book of Ephesians. When reading over Ephesians 2 recently, a section near the end stood out to me—a part describing Jesus as the cornerstone. I love analogies, so I decided to study this a little more.

The analogy given in the passage describes the followers of Jesus as a house, a temple where God now lives by his Holy Spirit (see also 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, Romans 8:9). Paul describes us as being built on a foundation of those who went before us, the apostles and prophets, and Jesus is the cornerstone.

I learned that a cornerstone, sometimes called a foundation stone, is the first stone laid for a structure. I read that this was the most important part of this ancient construction method. A cornerstone was generally a very large and solid stone, typically larger and sturdier than all other stones. This stone took the most care and precision to lay because of its importance to all of the other stones and to the structure as a whole.

The cornerstone is put into place with all of the other stones then laid in reference to that stone. It sets the direction and the orientation of the entire structure. The cornerstone ensures proper alignment when all of the other stones line up with it. A cornerstone is a rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests.

There are so many parallels that can be seen between a cornerstone and Jesus.

Parallels between a cornerstone and Jesus


  • First stone laid
  • Most important part in the construction of the structure
  • A very large, reliable, and sturdy stone
  • Sets the foundation
  • Sets the direction and standard of the structure
  • Ensures proper alignment
  • Provides stability for the structure
  • The rock on which the structure and weight rests
  • Joins the structure, all the stones, together


What being our cornerstone means to us…

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Funny Friday: I brought you into this world

Funny Friday I brought you into this world meme

Funny Friday: I brought you into this world

This week’s Funny Friday is courtesy of The Bible Is Funny! “Mom: I brought you into this world, I can take you out! Me, a theologian…”

“For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” 1 Timothy 6:7 (NIV)