A God-Inspired Sabbath

A God-Inspired Sabbath title image

A God-Inspired Sabbath

There will be times in our lives where God leads us into a period of rest or a “Sabbath”. It may be taking a break from work or something that you do, a hobby, serving, or even a temporary break from a friendship or relationship. These times of rest are there to refresh and replenish you. They might also be there to create margin because God may foresee things coming up that you are getting ready to encounter. You might need extra time and energy in order to face them.

My recent God-inspired Sabbath

Over the last several months I’ve missed my writing, and I miss (and have sometimes felt a little guilt-ridden) about the consistency of new content on my site. Consistency, loyalty, and faithfulness are character traits that I have always valued and strived to achieve and demonstrate. Therefore, it’s been extremely difficult for me to feel like I’m not successfully living up to those traits in my writing over the past year.

Although, I do feel like God, in his kindness and divine foreknowledge kind of gave me a “heads up” that I was going to need to take a bit of a break, a “sabbatical” of sorts, from writing new content and spend some time recycling, updating, and reposting some of the older content on my site. I expected the break to only last for a few months, however, it ended up taking place over the entire year.

Seventh Year Sabbath from my writing

I decided to take a break from writing for my blog (or at least from writing a new post every week). It was a bit of a hard decision. I felt some guilt about it, like I was letting people down or letting God down. When I decided it just felt like I needed some rest, some time off because I couldn’t keep up the way and the pace that I wanted and had been doing. The word “sabbatical” came to mind which then caused me to think of “Sabbath” (aka…rest).

Something made me take a look at how long I had been writing on my blog, and coincidentally, I was just entering my seventh year. God reminded me of the times in scripture where he asked his people to let certain things have their “Sabbath” on the seventh year. He instructed them to let the land rest and not to plant new crops on the seventh year.

Seventh Year Sabbath in scripture

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Looking Back With Gratitude

Looking back with gratitude title image

Looking Back With Gratitude

I’m a little late in getting this post written and posted since we’re already into February. Even though this is a bit of a “year in review” post, I feel like some of the elements and principles discussed may still be useful for some people regardless of the time of year. My aim with this post is to encourage people to find the good in the midst of the bad, even when the bad seems to stand out more than the good. It’s about looking back with gratitude.

Gratitude in the negative circumstances

As is typical at the end of the year, I look over the previous year and take some time praying about what God might have me focus on in the upcoming year. When looking back, it seemed like the “bad” or negative things stood out the most. 2022 was a very heavy year. However, I’ve been convicted and reminded that it’s important to not just focus on the bad. It’s essential to look at the good too and be thankful.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:6-8 (NLT)

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)

Do everything without complaining and arguingPhilippians 2:14 (NLT)

I’ve written recently, that gratitude can affect our hearts and our perspectives. I’ve learned that stewing in negativity and focusing on the negative will make me bitter. It can also cause a spiritual blockage which can in turn be offensive to others and to God.

However, when I can shift my mind from the negative things happening in my life and intentionally focus on gratitude, a positive internal shift happens. Looking back with gratitude and thankfulness can lighten the load and help things seem a little brighter and less dark. Additionally, choosing to see God’s provision can alleviate some frustration and discontent.

Encourage yourself

There have been several times that I’ve had to go back and re-read my own posts. Some of the same advice I give to others, I need to take myself. I’ve learned, and re-learned, that I need to encourage myself in the Lord as David did when he was greatly distressed.

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)

To encourage myself I can remind myself of where God has been faithful in the past and look at the good He was doing even in the midst of bad things going on around me. Another helpful reminder has been not to overlook or “despise” the small things.

Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?” Zechariah 4:10 (NIV)

So as I look over the past year, even though we endured a lot of bad and negative circumstances, we continued to see God’s faithfulness, feel his presence, and retain and/or renew our hope (even though some situations are still ongoing). There was so much good to be found through it all, and I have to remind myself of that (sometimes repeatedly).

Looking back over 2022…the bad AND the good

Worst teaching semester ever

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Funny Friday: Millennial Anti-Theft Device

Millennial anti theft device meme

Funny Friday: Millennial Anti-Theft Device

I recently saw this on the back of a Jeep, and we got a good little laugh out of it. Not long ago an “older” car salesman was telling my husband that he had to move one of their vehicles around on the lot because it was a standard transmission and none of the younger employees there could drive a stick shift. 😂

“Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands…” Ephesians 4:28a (ESV)

Top 10 Posts of 2022

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Top 10 Posts of 2022

“Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered” Psalms 105:5 (ESV)

I hope your new year is off to a good start! This week I’m sharing the Top 10 Posts of 2022.  I sometimes like to take the first of the year to recount some of the top or most popular posts of the previous year.  I like to share them for a few reasons…

First, there are some new subscribers/followers who may not have seen or read these posts and might find some of them to be helpful.

Secondly, looking back also helps me to remember what God has done and is still doing through this website. I continue to hope and pray that I am making an impact with what I write and share. My hope is that looking back might help and remind you as well.

Lastly, it helps me (and hopefully you too) have ideas of how to pray based on what the current need or demand is, and when I know that I know how to continue to pray for others.  I pray very fervently over this blog, its content, and the readers. What people are frequently searching or clicking on can be an indicator of some of their needs. Whether it’s a need for spiritual growth, leading others to Christ or overcoming personal struggles, I can pray more specifically based on these posts and their popularity.

Take Some Practical Steps:

  • First, as you look through this list of most popular posts, please stop and take a minute to pray for one or more of the topics that stand out to you.
  • Next, please click on and read or re-read one or more of the posts from which you feel you may be able to receive some benefit or of which you might need some reminding.
  • Then take some time to remember and contemplate what God has done for you in these various areas of your life over this past year or previous years. Remembering what God has done can be an incredible motivator and wonderful gratitude prompt!
  • Pay it forward…if one or more of the following posts has benefited you, please consider sharing the post on your social media channels (sharing links are available at the end of each post). You can also forward posts to specific people you know who might benefit (you might prayerfully consider who to share them with).
  • Lastly, please pray for me this year to #1-continue to write content that will help others, #2-for me to have to right words at the right time, and #3-for the right people to be directed to my site for God to help them.

Here are the Top 10 Posts of 2022: Continue reading

Merry Christmas 2022!

The Christmas Story

Merry Christmas 2022!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas this year! Watching this telling of The Christmas Story (video below) is an annual tradition for our family. I hope you enjoy it too!

Additionally, below is another video of one of my favorite illustrations of the story of Christmas: The Christmas Geese. Several years ago I heard this story as an analogy of why Jesus came to earth. I thought it was a perfect explanation that makes Jesus’ incarnation (becoming human) easier to understand. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do as well.

Christmas Geese Story

Here is a longer, written version of the story that I found–the author is unknown:

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Funny Friday: My mom still hasn’t noticed

My mom still hasn't noticed meme

Funny Friday: My mom still hasn’t noticed

I’ve seen this Nativity scene meme floating around the internet. If you can find it, it’s good for a giggle! “My mom still hasn’t noticed…”

“You will regard the alien who resides with you…” Leviticus 19:34a (CSB)