Things I Discovered From Being Annoyed by Cheerleaders

Things I Discovered From Being Annoyed by Cheerleaders

Things I Discovered From Being Annoyed by Cheerleaders

Okay.  I’m going to open up and be vulnerable and honest with you for a bit.  Cheerleaders get on my nerves.  There I said it.  Let me clarify.  I don’t mean the cheerleaders themselves.  I’m talking about the actual cheerleading during the game.  For some reason, they seem to start cheering right as the next play is starting or right when they are announcing something over the intercom.  Some of the cheers seem never-ending.  A few of the cheers don’t even match what’s happening on the field.  I find it to be annoying and distracting.  I mean, after all, I’m here to watch my son play football not the cheerleaders!  Sometimes I just want to yell, “Shut up!”

Now that you all think I’m a horrible person… 🙂

I think I should give you an explanation and some background information.  In my younger years, I actually used to be a cheerleader.  I cheered for five years, two of those serving as Captain of the cheer squad.  Looking back to when I cheered as a young middle schooler and high schooler, I can now see that I was completely unqualified.  I had no business cheering, let alone acting as Captain!  I didn’t know anything about football.  I think I may have learned maybe a handful of basics.  Offense means our team has the ball.  Defense means their team has the ball.  A touchdown is when we score.  That was about the extent of my knowledge back then.

Currently as a wife of an avid football fan and the mom of a young football player, I’ve learned quite a bit more about the game.  I’ve especially learned more also as a participant of a fantasy football team (more on that story here).  Understanding the game has actually enabled me to enjoy it more.  If I were being honest, I think when I cheered in school it wasn’t so much because I loved the game of football but probably more the idea of it.  I loved the games and the exciting atmosphere.  I loved the comradery.  I loved the competition.  I loved getting up in front of people cheering and the attention I got.

Senior Cheer-Tracy

This is me…the cheerleader that didn’t know football!

I’m a little bit embarrassed now after the fact because I can see areas where I may have been more of a hindrance than a help as a cheerleader.  Continue reading

What If God’s Love Isn’t Enough?

Previously I shared that the best way to overcome feeling unloved/unwanted is to know that we are loved/wanted by God. But what if God's love isn't enough?

What If God’s Love Isn’t Enough?

This week’s post is in response to a comment I received on a former post, “How to Overcome Feeling Unloved or Unwanted”.  I felt that a reply at the bottom of the post wouldn’t do him justice.  In that post I shared that the best way I know to overcome feeling unloved and unwanted is to come to the understanding and realization that we are loved and wanted by God.  A gentleman left me a comment, and he made a very good point.  His comment:

“Ms. Robbins, with all due respect, what you say sounds excellent on paper. Unfortunately, here in the real world, no matter how much love God may have for me, it’s not keeping me warm at night. It’s not filling this empty spot in my bed. In other words, God’s love is no substitute for a warm body nor the touch of a woman who wants and desires me.”

I get what he’s saying.  It’s almost as if he’s asking, “What if God’s love isn’t enough?”  He’s not alone in feeling that way.  I have also asked that question.  In that post, I also discussed how Leah felt this way too.  It’s not uncommon.  It’s not absurd for him to ask this.  It’s very normal.  I am happy to say now that in my own searching, I have found the answer to that question.

First, I’d like to address his first statement.  What I write here at this site is never meant it to just sound good on paper.  My intent is to always give practical steps and applications to walk out in everyday life. This is because I do live in the real world, and I know there is a real world (full of a lot of hurt and a lot of crap).  I’ve been through a lot of it myself.  Most of what I share and teach isn’t just from a “teacher/professor of life” point of view.  It’s from the perspective of a student who has been through a lot of these things myself and about how God has navigated me through them.  Sometimes I’ve navigated through them successfully…sometimes not so much, and that’s where I get to share from my failures.  What I write is from MY real world and what I’ve learned, and God has called me to share it with others to hopefully help them too.

Now onto the part about “God’s love is no substitute”.  He makes a very good point.  I truly get it.  I know that pain.  I know what that longing and emptiness feel like.  I know that feeling that something’s missing.  I remember when all of my friends were getting married, and I was single.  Everyone else seemed so happy.  They seemed to have something I was missing.  It made me so sad to see couples.  And weddings…they would set me into a major funk and depression.  For a while, I even refused to go to weddings because they were so depressing for me.  Isn’t that awful?  I now feel horrible about that because I see in hindsight how extremely selfish that was of me.  I should have celebrated in others’ happiness instead wallowing in my own sorrow and self-pity.

Now, I’m happily married (for nearly 16 years now—wahoo!!).  However, I CAN’T tell you that it’s always been happy, happy, joy, joy or that I’ve never experienced loneliness.  Marriage or relationships don’t exempt you from feelings of emptiness or loneliness—even with having that person to share life with and that person who wants and desires you.  I heard somebody say once, “There’s only one thing worse than being single and lonely.  It’s being married and lonely.”  Even in my marriage I have experienced some of the deepest pits of feeling unloved and unwanted.  Some of it stemmed from marriage troubles, but quite honestly a lot of it was due to my own insecurities and in trying to make my husband fill a void in me that only God’s love can fill.  Although, I experienced these immense feelings of being unloved and unwanted, I was also able to overcome them.

What if God's love isn't enough...answer in this quote by Oswald Chambers

Oswald Chambers

God showed me that it was through Him that I could overcome feeling unloved and unwanted.  God showed me that if I will always fill myself up with His love first, then everything else I get from others is just an overflow on top of an already full cup (an analogy I learned from Beth Moore).  And when I’m already full and overflowing, THEN I can be better at overflowing that love onto others.  We have to be filled with God first.

  Continue reading

God Talks Like Bumblebee the Transformer

See how God talks like Bumblebee the Transformer...

God Talks Like Bumblebee the Transformer 

“And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of gentle stillness and a still, small voice.”  1 Kings 19:11-12 (AMP)

It feels weird to say that God speaks to me or that God told me something.  I often wonder if people think I’m a little crazy when I say things like that!  I don’t hear voices in my head, and I’ve never heard an audible voice.  It’s just simply my own thoughts that sometimes seem to come out of nowhere or reading a word or phrase in one or more bible verses that just seem to stick out for some reason.  In the bible, God spoke to Elijah.  It says in 1 Kings 19:11-12 that there was a strong wind but the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire was a still, small voice which was the Lord’s.  Many times I think that people believe that if God is going to speak to us it is going to be a big, grand ordeal, but that is rarely the case. 

Here’s one picture that comes to my mind when I think of how God talks to us…that God talks like Bumblebee the Transformer. 🙂  In the Transformers movies, you know how Bumblebee used to talk to Sam?  He used parts of songs on the radio or audio clips to get what he wanted to say across to Sam because he couldn’t actually talk to him since his voice box had been damaged.  It was funny because he would actually take different parts of different verses and choruses from various songs or audio clips or quotes from movies and piece them together to form his message.

That’s kind of how God talks to us sometimes.  God talks like Bumblebee in that He uses bit and pieces of things to get messages across to us at times.  Sometimes He uses different verses, or parts of verses, out of the Bible.  Sometimes it’s the same words or phrases repeated in different verses of the bible that we come across.  Other times He uses our thoughts or even other people.  God can speak to us in many ways—often with just one word or a phrase.  Sometimes He’ll speak to us through our surroundings—it may be a bumper sticker or billboard, a song on the radio, something we read online, an overheard conversation or something on TV.  Sometimes we’ll come across a repeated theme in various areas (i.e. you might hear a church sermon, hear a song and/or read a devotion that all seem to coincidentally have the same message or theme).

God talks like Bumblebee because Continue reading

Funny Friday: Dear God

Dear God...Funny kid's letters to God

Funny Friday: Dear God

To go along with our topic of prayer this week, I came across these cute and funny “Dear God” letters from kids.  Some of these are great!  I’ve kinda always wondered about the giraffe too. 😉

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear Part 2

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear Part 2

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear Part 2

**Please read Part 1 here if you have done so already.

Last week we talked about how fear can be a major factor in insecurity and how sometimes our fears can cause us to see ourselves differently than we really are (click on the post link above to get caught up).  I, myself, have dealt with a number of fears that have caused me to feel insecure.  Growing up I said I would never have kids, but I honestly think that stemmed from some fear.  I feared that I didn’t have what it took to be a good mom.  I feared what it would do to my body.  I also feared the pain of childbirth.  After having 2 kiddos, I now know that those fears were unfounded—although somewhat true, they were nothing to truly fear.  I was able to fight through and overcome each of them.  I also used to have a fear of teaching (again…I always said I would NEVER be a teacher).  I had so much self-doubt in that area that I made excuses about why I shouldn’t teach others (read more about it in this post here).  It’s kind of funny about how the devil often plants fears right smack in the middle of God’s plan and calling on our life.

Previously, we discussed a couple of practical steps to fight fear in order to overcome insecurities in these areas.  A couple of the steps included just facing the fear head-on and going ahead and doing whatever it is that is causing us fear.  This in turn builds our confidence and those insecurities will start to slowly fade in that area.  We also discussed the step of trusting in God and in His abilities more than our own.  We are not alone, and we don’t have to face the fears of life as if we are.  We have so much strength available to us if we will just lean on it.

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real

A long time ago I heard an acronym for “fear” that I really liked.  You may have heard it as well.  It is that fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.  The idea is that a lot of times (not always), those things that we fear don’t even exist.  It makes me think of those times when I’ve been afraid of Continue reading

Feeling Lucky? It’s Not Luck, It’s Favor.

Feeling Lucky It's not luck it's favor ...Learn how to be more lucky or have favor Feeling Lucky? It’s Not Luck, It’s Favor.

There’s a lot of talk about luck on St. Patrick’s Day.  People who know me often call me a lucky person.  Today I thought I would share the secret to my “luck” with you.  It’s not luck; it’s favor.

I think God blesses people.  I think many “coincidences” are God-ordained moments and opportunities.  In my opinion, many people are just favored, not necessarily lucky.  I also think that this has a lot to do with what we speak out of our mouths.  There is TREMENDOUS power in words (I could share enough on this for a whole series of posts).  If you’re somebody that always says, “I never win anything” or “I’m just not lucky” or “I don’t have good luck” etc.  Guess what…You’re going to have exactly what you say.  On the other hand if you say and agree with what God’s Word says, that you’re favored, then you’ll have exactly that!  You’ll be favored (or some might call it lucky).  Either way, it’s good to be favored or lucky.

“Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12 (NIV) 

Some good things that come into our lives are a direct consequence of our actions.  The flipside is true as well.  I think some bad luck is just flat-out reaping what you sow or in others words…Karma, getting what’s coming to you, or getting your comeuppance.  Eric actually thought I made that word up, when I said I hoped somebody would get their comeuppance (I think I actually said “comeupins” probably with a bit of a southern drawl).  So I looked it up to show him that it was a real word and that I didn’t make it up.  I think I have a lot of sayings that I picked up from my parents or grandparents that he’s never heard before so he thinks I just make stuff up.  In his defense…I really do sometimes! 🙂  In fact the other day I went to a Moms In Prayer luncheon with a friend, and we were admiring the table setting.  I told her that it was very “Pinterestable”.  One of the other ladies asked if that was a word, and I had to admit “No.  I just made that up.”  However, I did later go and google that word and found that other people actually already use it, so I guess I didn’t really make it up!  I didn’t make favor up though—it’s real.

As Christians, prosperity is something that is ours simply because we are children of God.  God wants us to be prosperous.  I don’t call my site Happy, Healthy & Prosperous for nothing!  I also believe that prosperity is so much more than wealth or monetary or superficial gain.  I believe Continue reading

Funny Friday: Shirley Goodnest and Marcy

Shirley Goodnest and Marcy


Funny Friday: Shirley Goodnest and Marcy

A mom was concerned about her kindergarten son walking to school. He didn’t want his mother to walk with him. She wanted to give him the feeling that he had some independence but yet know that he was safe. So she had an idea of how to handle it. She asked a neighbor, Mrs. Goodnest, if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn’t notice her.

Mrs. Goodnest said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed. The next school day, Mrs. Goodnest and her little girl, Marcy, set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbor girl he knew. She did this for the whole week.

As the two walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy’s little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, Have you noticed that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?

Timmy nonchalantly replied, ‘Yeah, I know who she is”. The little girl said, “Well, who is she?” “That’s just Shirley Goodnest”, Timmy replied, “and her daughter Marcy”.  “Shirley Goodnest? Who is she and why is she following us?”  “Well”, Timmy explained, “every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers, ‘cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ‘Shirley Goodnest and Marcy’ shall follow me all the days of my life’, so I guess I’ll just have to get used to it”!

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”  Psalm 23:6 (AKJV)

May Shirley Goodnest and Marcy follow YOU all the days of your life too!  Happy Friday!

Are You Going Through a Transition?

Are You Going Through a Transition? Learn how to recognize if something new is about to happen in your life and how to navigate through it.

Image credit: mrpuen via

Are You Going Through a Transition?  Learn how to recognize if something new is about to happen in your life and how to navigate through it.

At the start of the year 2014, God revealed to me that I was going through a transition in my life.  Quite honestly, it was a pretty painful time, and a lot seemed to be going wrong.  For the first time in several years, I didn’t receive a teaching assignment for my college classes, and I was dealing with some conflict at work.  We encountered several trivial problems (even though they didn’t seem so trivial at the time) such as our heater going out, our refrigerator going out, and my wedding ring breaking (and then my temporary replacement ring breaking too!).  We had to deal with some family emergencies.

Then, on top of several other financial setbacks, my husband didn’t get his annual bonus at work which we had very unwisely come to depend on.  There were countless circumstances, some of which I’m not at liberty to share, that were incredibly draining…of our emotions, time, and finances.  It was one thing after another, and it seemed never-ending.  I felt like I was in an ocean being bombarded by wave after wave barely able to catch my breath.

My goal with this post

I KNOW you know this feeling!  You may have even had some time in your own life come to mind while reading this.  That’s actually my goal.  My hope with this post is to help you relate and to distinguish some of the times of transition in your own life.  My goal is for us to be able to look back on our lives and see some of the things that we’ve been through and then notice the birth of something new that followed that period of transition. In addition to identifying transition times in our past, I want us to be able to recognize when we are potentially in the process of a transition and learn how to navigate it through it.

Gradual revelations

During this difficult time, I encountered several repeated phrases (evidence of God talking to me) such as “passing through” and “a little while”.  I realized that God was trying to tell me that I was going through something that wouldn’t last…a transition of sorts.  I also had 2 very vivid dreams about weddings.  OK, so normally I’m not a person to put much stock in dreams, but for some reason these REALLY stuck out to me so I looked them up on a dream dictionary app.  A wedding in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or a transition in your current life.  Again that word “transition” came up!  Then all of a sudden God gave me the analogy of the “transition” stage of labor (in the birthing process).

Transition in childbirth

Are You Going Through a Transition? Learn how to recognize if something new is about to happen in your life and how to navigate through it.

Stages of Labor–arrow pointing at Transition

I specifically remembered learning about the transition stage of labor in my childbirth classes (10 years earlier!) because I remembered the picture graph they showed and the way they described it, and I particularly remember thinking…”That part doesn’t look fun.”  I imagined the chart had transition paired with tall, sharp jagged lines to match the intense, sharp pain that one would experience during this phase.

The transition stage is the most challenging part of the birthing process (you can read a description here on  It’s during this phase that the pain is the worst and the contractions are the strongest and longest.  They also come very quickly, one right after another, sometimes even overlapping.  There is not much time to relax in between each contraction (like those ocean waves bearing down!).  There may be moments when you feel exhausted, frustrated, impatient, overwhelmed, and you may feel a lot of pressure as well.  The transition stage can sometimes seem unbearable.  Thank God for epidurals!  Too bad there’s not a spiritual epidural…hmmm, sounds like a new post in the making! 🙂

Advantages of transition

Unbearable as it seems though, the transition stage has its advantages. One of the redeeming points of the transition stage is that it is the shortest stage.  It’s also a very necessary stage because it is the preparation for the next stage (the birth of something new).  Transition is a time of expansion and making room (i.e. dilation of the cervix to 10 cm) for the new “thing” to push out and through.  In labor, the cervix has to be dilated to 10 cm in order for the baby to have room to come out.  Uncomfortable as it is, it’s a necessary process that cannot be skipped.  It’s a process of growth.

To give another analogy, transition is a season.  Similarly, winter is a season of preparation for spring and its new births—new plants, leaves, flowers, and growth.  Just like in winter when we can’t see what’s happening in the ground to prepare for the spring, in transition you can’t see the baby yet either.  It may be a phase that seems barren or seems like nothing is happening, BUT it’s coming!  Something new and wonderful is about to happen!  Seasons change and bring something new.

God’s preparation

Interestingly enough, God had given me a couple of verses/a promise several years ago (it’s still on an index card on my bathroom mirror) that talked about a “new thing”.  Since God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), these verses have meant so many things to me over the years.  This time, however, I saw them in a different context.

“The Lord says, ‘Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past.  Look at the new thing I am going to do.  It is happening already.  Don’t you see it?  I will make a road in the desert and rivers in dry land.” Isaiah 43:18-19 (NCV)

Are You Going Through a Transition? Learn how to recognize if something new is about to happen in your life and how to navigate through it.

For me, this transition into a “new thing” or “new birth” was this blog. 🙂 The semester off of teaching gave me some much-needed time to write, take classes, and educate myself on all things blog and techie (ok so maybe not all things…I’m still learning).

I’m also happy to announce that God was faithful in our struggles too.  We made it through every financial setback, our heater was fixed, we got a beautiful brand new fridge, I have a wedding ring that won’t break now (see it here), I was assigned even more classes during the fall semester than I’ve ever taught before and made some great new relationships in the process, our family situations began to mend, AND my husband got his bonus that next year!!!  Yay! Praise God!

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NASB)

My story goes on, and I have so much more that I can share with you about this, but we’ll have to save it for another day and time. 🙂

Take Some Practical Steps to Navigate Transition:

  • First, try to pinpoint times in your past when you’ve gone through a transition that prepared you for something new to come into your life. 

Looking at what God has brought you through before and at how He’s prepared you in the past can give you strength, encouragement, and momentum for the things that you are currently going through or have yet to go through.  Seeing prior examples (in yourself and in others) will make your transitions more bearable…like a spiritual epidural??? 🙂

  • Then, recognize when you are potentially in the process of a transition.

Are you taking hit after hit?  Does it feel like waves of circumstances are bearing down on you one right after another?  Does it feel like you are having painful “contractions” one after another seemingly unable to relax or catch your breath?  Do you feel exhausted, frustrated, impatient, overwhelmed, and feel a lot of pressure as well?  You might be in transition, preparing for something new to happen in your life.

  • Next, pray about it.

If you’re not sure if you’re in a transition, ask God.  I was listening to one of Pastor Steven Furtick’s messages during this “transition stage” of mine.  It was titled “Weather the Winter”.  He talked about how we need to stop trying to focus on the REASON and focus on our RESPONSE instead.  He said to quit focusing on the “why” and start focusing on the “what”.  Ask God, “WHAT are you preparing me for?” OR… “WHAT are you preparing for me?” 

You can also pray for strength during this season. **Check out this Prayer for Strength or visit this page for a list of other prayers that may be helpful.

  • Also, rely heavily on a support person.

Most resources recommend that during labor you need a support person to help you through the process of birthing.  A transition in your life will also require support.  Remember the Formula for Success and running your “LAPS”?  Your primary “S” or “Support” in transition should be God.  You also need other support people in your life that can encourage you through a transition.

  • Furthermore, when you feel overwhelmed try to focus on one thing at a time and remember the progress you’ve already made.

Just breathe and focus–yes, exactly like a woman in labor!  The American Pregnancy Association gives this advice during the time of transition: “try to think one contraction at a time” and “remember how far you’ve already come”.  They also give great tips for a support person (it’s good advice even when you’re not having a baby!).

  • Recognize that you are growing and expanding.

God is making room in your life for something new to happen.  Take note of the new things that you are learning throughout the process and the new growth that’s coming about.

  • Finally, be encouraged that something exciting is about to happen!

Don’t give up even when you can’t see your “new thing” yet.  Hang in there and get excited.  A new birth is exciting!  Yes, it can be messy and inconvenient at times, but the pros far outweigh the cons.  God may be getting ready to bring such a blessing into your life that is even more than you could ever ask for or imagine!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) 

What kinds of transition have you gone through?  Tell us about it by leaving a comment below. 

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are rude, disrespectful, sarcastic, offensive, divisive, or off-topic.  By posting on this site you agree to my Comment Policy.

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If you have benefited from this post or if you know anyone that could benefit from this, please pay it forward and share this post with them via the sharing links below! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)