Category Archives: Study tips

Get Back to the Basics

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Get Back to the Basics

As we start the new year, several people are making new commitments, forming new habits, and strengthening spiritual disciplines. Sometimes, I find it helpful to revisit the basics and/or review or remind myself of some things that can be helpful.

Below are some links to revisit some of the basics via some of our previous posts. (You can also find these posts via the “New to the Faith? / The Basics” page on the blog’s menu.)

  • Look over the list of posts and see if any stand out to you, fit with some of your goals for this year, or may help you strengthen some spiritual disciplines.
  • Even, if you’ve read the post(s) before, it’s often helpful to get a refresher, and many times the Holy Spirit might point out something that wasn’t necessarily prominent or as meaningful the first time around. I find this to be true when I re-listen to sermons or podcasts as well.
  • You might also consider sharing a post or two with someone that comes to mind as you read through the links. You never know what might be helpful for others as they strengthen their own spiritual disciplines. Sometimes we all could use a boost in the basics.

Learn and Grow in the Christian Faith

A Christian’s purpose and mission in life is to continue to become and live like Jesus. It is possible! In fact, we are told to do so in several places in scripture. Jesus even says numerous times, “Follow Me…” It is said that there are recurring 4 phases of a journey that every Christian goes through: Know God (learning), Grow in Freedom (fixing broken stuff in our lives), Discover Purpose (discovering and using your God-given gifts and talents and life experiences), and Go Make Disciples, Go Make a Difference (helping others grow and making a difference in the world).

Can I Really Live Like Jesus?

Resources and Tools

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Start the Day Right…

Start the day right...Here's an example of how this really shifted my mood from bad to good!

Start the Day Right…

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (ESV)

Success magazines and self-help sites are loaded with “start the day right” theories, especially at the start of a new year.  I’ve gotta say though, this “start the day right” thing really works!  I know…why am I so surprised that this actually works!?  I’ve been teaching this for years, and I’ve even experienced it on more than one occasion.  Nevertheless, I still surprise myself from time to time.

I’m going to tell on myself…

Several years ago (when I originally wrote this post) my husband Eric used to leave for work before I even got up most of the time.  Sometimes, not always, he would get on these kicks where he would set his alarm for super early but then hit the snooze button.  Consistently.  Over.  And over.  I’m a pretty light sleeper, and it typically takes me a while to even get to sleep.  I’m also a pretty cranky person if I don’t get enough sleep or if I’m overly tired.  Oh, did I mention that the sound of his alarm often wouldn’t wake him? So many times I had to wake him and tell him that his alarm was going off…every 9 minutes…for sometimes an hour.

Needless to say, this occasional morning snooze habit that he used to have tended to make me a little angry drive me insane.  I promise I really tried to stay calm and not get angry.  Really I did.  However, there was a particular day that was not the case.  On that morning it was all I could do not to take his alarm clock and knock him over the head with it.  I’m telling you, I had some choice words in my head!  I became extremely angry and cranky.

Moving past my feelings

I didn’t feel like getting up early to read my Bible and have my quiet time that day.  I didn’t feel like playing praise and worship music.  Nevertheless, I sucked it up and got up regardless of my feelings.  I made a decision to start the day right, even though it went against every grain in my body that day.

I went into the kitchen to make my coffee and whole-grain bagel (even though I felt like eating the plate of leftover Christmas fudge that was still sitting on the countertop).  I pulled up my YouTube praise and worship playlist and clicked “He Lifted Me” to listen to as I made my breakfast.  In full disclosure, I probably used a little more force than I should have to click “play” on the music. It really only takes a light tap, not a blow to the touch screen with my index finger. 🙂  I think I even muttered out loud to myself, “I don’t WANT to listen to praise music!” like a little pouting 3-year-old.  See what a baby I can be at times?  After that song was over, I was still angry but clicked on another song anyway, “O Praise the Name”.

Afterward, I took my breakfast and phone and went to my usual morning chair to read my Bible.  I did each of my reading plans, prayed, and journaled my thoughts.  Amazingly, I even finished before the kids got up.  I think I was still in a little funk but really didn’t pay much attention to it after that because I was on to get the kids up, ready, and off to school.

It worked!

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Do You Practice “Spiritual Cramming”?

Do You Practice Spiritual Cramming?

Do You Practice “Spiritual Cramming”?

“And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.” Mark 4:24 (AMP)

“spiritual cramming”  /’spir-i-choo-uh l kram-ing/ VERB 1. The act of attempting to pray and/or to study hastily or learn biblical information in a short period of time and at the last minute due to an impending test, trial, struggle, problem, or hard time. Cramming is often discouraged because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material.

It seems like most Christians know that we should read our Bible.  Most also probably realize that it should be done on a regular, daily basis.  The problem is, most don’t do it.  Maybe it’s because we think it’s hard to understand.  Sometimes it’s because we think it’s boring or that we don’t have time.  Maybe we think getting “Bible” on Sundays or in church is enough.  Any additional study we pursue is frequently just “spiritual cramming”.

I had the same problem.  Being raised in church my entire life, I heard the children’s church teachers, youth ministers, and pastors consistently say “read your Bible”.  I just never did—except for when I was in church on Sundays or Wednesdays.  Regular, daily Bible reading was not a habit of mine until about 15ish years ago (with the exception of a short stint in college).

Until then I was just a spiritual baby even though I was a grown adult with children of my own and even though I had a decent amount of knowledge from the Bible.  I was spiritually immature and had an underdeveloped understanding of spiritual life.  I expected everyone else to “feed” me, and any independent study often consisted of spiritual cramming.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready” 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 (NLT)

It’s like college students…

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More Resources for Bible Meditation, Prayer, and Quiet Times

More Resources for Bible Meditation, Prayer, and Quiet Times title image

More Resources for Bible Meditation, Prayer, and Quiet Times

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

I’ve often said I fancy myself a curator of resources. 😉 I’ve written a lot about practical methods, resources, and tools for studying scripture, praying, and growing in your relationship with God (much of this can be found on the “New to Faith?” page on the site). Recently, I shared several resources and tools for Bible study. In this post, I’d like to share a few more, specifically in relation to biblical meditation, prayer, and resources for your quiet times. These are especially helpful for those who might be auditory learners or prefer to listen to audible, narrated, or guided material.

These resources are just another way to instill scripture into your spirit and build your faith by hearing the word of God and meditating on it. (Read more on how to meditate on scripture here.) I hope you enjoy these resources and find them helpful!

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

“And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.” Mark 4:24 (AMPC)

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 (ESV)

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV)

Lectio 365 app

The Lectio 365 app has been a recent favorite of mine. According to their site, “Lectio 365 is a daily devotional resource to help you pray through the Bible every day. It has been written by 24-7 Prayer leaders (an international, interdenominational prayer movement) and delivered through a free app. Lectio 365 contains devotional content to help you pause and pray at the start and end of every day.[1]

Their daily meditation is inspired by an ancient form of praying and meditation called Lectio Divina. According to Wikipedia, Lectio Divina is a “…practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s word. Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First, a passage of scripture is read, then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.”[2]

I typically spend around ten minutes when I listen to the audio version (as opposed to reading through on my own). Personally, I like the peaceful background music, and I love the guided prayers and pauses for moments of reflection and to hear from the Holy Spirit. I often find a fixed location (a comfy, chair in my room where I read my Bible each morning), close my eyes, and practice intentional, relaxed breathing.

Eric and I have also really enjoyed listening and night just before sleeping, as it relaxes us and focuses our thoughts on God and scripture just before drifting off to sleep. It’s a very calming way to end the day and to help with sleep (as I sometimes struggle).

Here’s a description from the Lectio 365 website:

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The “Right Way” to Practice Spiritual Disciplines

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The “Right Way” to Practice Spiritual Disciplines

I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of Bible teachers (bloggers, speakers, influencers, etc.) teaching about the “right way” to practice spiritual disciplines such as reading scripture, studying the Bible, hearing from God, praying, praising, journaling, fasting, evangelizing, discipling others, teaching others, etc. While I know this teaching is usually good-intentioned, so much of it comes across like and feels a bit condescending and condemning…and honestly, even a little bit arrogant and know-it-all-ish too.

Recently, I’ve even been getting some chastising emails and comments about the “right way” to quote scripture and the correct translation to use. (Most remarks are reprimanding me for not using King James Version ONLY when I quote scripture.) People send emails and comments that I’m not leading people to Christ in the “right way” or not approaching how we should pray in the “right way”. I’m amazed that people truly believe there is only one “right way” to do things and that God leaves so little room for margin in how we should have relationship with him.

I don’t believe this to be so.

I really believe that God is not quite that rigid and will meet us where we are. What I’ve personally learned is that God is pretty forgiving, and there is a lot of grace. Even when there might be a preferred, better, more effective, or more efficient way to do any of these spiritual disciplines, God can and will still work regardless of any of our mistakes or misgivings. Jesus clearly demonstrated that he is not legalistic. Jesus is loving, not legalistic. Even if we are not where we might need to be, he will lovingly and patiently guide us there.

I say all the time… ”God will meet you where you are.”

Promoting a “right way” can lead to self-righteousness

As I was reading my Bible this past week, my belief that there is not only one “right way” to practice spiritual disciplines was reinforced.

Matthew 9:14-17 (NLT)

“One day the disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus and asked him, “Why don’t your disciples fast like we do and the Pharisees do?”

Jesus replied, “Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

“Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before.

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.””

I was reading Matthew 9:14-17 where John the Baptist’s disciples came to Jesus and asked why his disciples didn’t fast. Jesus replied with comments about celebrating not morning when with a groom, not patching old clothes with new cloth, and not putting new wine in old wineskins.

As I read Matthew Henry’s commentary, I understood this better. Henry suggested that believing and professing that their practices were the “right way” was likened to being self-righteous because they boasted about the way they did things, such as fasting often. Henry states,

There is a proneness in professors to brag of their own performance in religion, especially if there by any thing extraordinary in them; nay, and not only to boast of them before men, but to plead them before God, and confide in them as a righteousness.[1]

Dependence on a “right way” leads to spiritual bondage

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Bible Study Methods and Resources for the Average Person

Bible Study Methods and Resources for the Average Person title image

Bible Study Methods and Resources for the Average Person

I think reading and studying the Bible can be intimidating and overwhelming for a lot of people. I’ve come to a place where I genuinely love reading and studying the Bible. However, by no means am I a theologian or Biblical expert. I’m just your everyday, average person who’s found some Bible study methods that work to help me read, learn and study the Bible effectively. Therefore, if I can do it, anyone can!

Several years ago we took a family vacation to Colorado. While we were there, we also had an opportunity to attend a church Bible study with some family. (I wrote about it in this post.) I really loved the way they studied and discussed the Bible because it was a similar method to how I like to study and learn. Prior to the meeting, they read a certain chapter or passage out of scripture. Then they came to the meeting discussing any insights they gathered and any things they felt like God spoke or revealed to them.

It was a very engaging and interactive discussion from which everyone in the room learned and received some type of benefit and wisdom. It seemed as though each person picked up something different from the passage, but as they shared others were able to learn from their observations and revelations too. In my women’s small group we’ve been doing a similar independent Bible study method of various books of the Bible. It’s been some of our favorite small group content, preferring it over doing book studies or an organized/guided Bible study written by someone else.

I’ll share with you some of my strategies and methods that help me, personally, to comprehend what I’m reading and be able to hear from God a little better.

Getting context

I recently read a great analogy that N.T. Wright used to describe getting a larger context for some of the well-known Bible stories and how they fit into the whole scope of scripture and plan of redemption through Jesus Christ (from the Old Testament all the way through the New Testament). He talked about how he knows certain areas of London very well but isn’t extremely familiar with how they all join up because he’s used to traveling on the Underground with no mental picture of what was above him. He mentioned that if he tried walking between the different points that he would get lost.

N.T. Wright said that many people are like that with the stories in the Bible. They know the parables, miracles, and major stories, but they often have little to no idea of the context of how they all join up and are linked and weaved together. People tend to get “carried”, as on a transit system, from one story to the next, like a spiritual Underground, without really ever thinking about how things actually moved together from one thing to another in the real world. Therefore, people sometimes miss the full force of the messages because they miss out on some of the context and the connections.[1]

This analogy is a great way to describe getting context as we study scripture. That’s why some of the following Bible study methods are so helpful because they really aid in finding and creating context for a better understanding and application of scripture.

Bible Study Methods list

Start by reading book introductions

When reading a book out of the Bible, sometimes it’s helpful to start by reading the introductions at the start of the book. In most Bibles, there is a page at the start of the book that will give some introductory information and background of that particular book. It typically contains things like the author(s) of that book, when it was written, where it was written, to whom it was written, an overview of the main points or major themes, the purpose or intent of the author, and maybe some cultural context.

These types of information can be helpful to learn before you start reading to give you a foundational context from which to start. Knowing some of these bits of information can create a “big picture” that will help you piece together the parts of the reading as you go along, making it a little easier to understand and follow along. This might be comparable to looking at a picture of what a puzzle is supposed to look like before you start putting it together. Continue reading

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

At my church we are doing 21 days of prayer, and as part of this the church has provided an accompanying devotional booklet taking us through the book of Ephesians. The booklet comprises of daily reading passages of Ephesians in the English Standard Version (ESV). Both of my kids are going through the booklet each day as well, and they expressed some frustrations they were having. They mentioned that they were having a hard time understanding the Bible passages in the booklet.

I explained to them a few things that are helpful when it comes to understanding the Bible. I’ve written about these before:


Pick an understandable translation

I had a sense that what was troubling them the most was just the translation they were reading. Therefore, I told them that first I think it’s important to read in a translation or version that makes sense and is understandable to them. I emphasized that they don’t HAVE to use the reading in the booklet and suggested that they use their own Bibles or use The Bible App where they can pick from a variety of translations or even read passages in a couple of different translations to get a better understanding. I think this helped them significantly.

Pray for Understanding

Secondly, I shared that it always helps me to pray for understanding before I read (or even during my reading). There are a few verses that I turn into prayers that I have written in the front of my quiet time journal. I wrote down on an index card a couple of these verses as prayers for my kids to have to use as a prompt to pray before they read.

“God please open my mind to help me understand the scriptures.” –from Luke 24:45

“Give me understanding so I can learn.” –from Psalm 119:18, 27, 34, 73, 125, 169

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible better

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Why Read the Bible?

Why read the bible?

Why Read the Bible?

If you are a Christian or have been in church for even a short period of time, you probably have heard that you should read the bible. For many this can seem like an overwhelming, daunting, or boring chore. So why do we need to push past those feelings that might initially stop us? Why read the bible? I find that it’s often easier to do something when we know the “why” behind it. This post will discuss several reasons WHY we should read the bible, but by no means is this an exhaustive list.

I believe the first and most important reason we should read the bible is to have relationship with God. The greatest commandment is to love God.

“And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5 (NLT)

“Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 (NLT)

“Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The LORD our God is the one and only LORD. And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’” Mark 12:29-30 (NLT)

The man answered, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27 (NLT)

In order to love someone, you have to know them. In order to know them you have to spend time with them and learn about them. We learn about God by spending time with Him, and we do this by reading His Word in addition to spending time with Him in prayer and praise and worship.

Why I started to read the bible

Knowing God better wasn’t my primary reason when I first started a regular habit of reading my bible. To be completely honest with you, I initially started reading the bible out of desperation. Nevertheless, the end result was the same…my relationship with God grew.

I was raised in a wonderful Christian home and grew up in church. In spite of this though, I never really cracked my bible open outside of church. This was true for me up until the time I was in college. During that time my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me, which was pretty devastating at the time. Nights were the worst, and I was unable to sleep. The only way I could find some peace and get some sleep was to read my bible before bed. I knew enough growing up in church that the bible was a place where one could go to find comfort and peace.

So I found a devotional book that someone had given me (My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers*), and I started reading that and my bible every night to calm my anxieties and help me sleep. Sometimes I would fall asleep in my bed with my bible still open laying on my lap. I tease sometimes and say that the bible was the only thing boring enough that would actually put me to sleep! In all seriousness though, God met me there in my place of need and desperation at that time. I used to feel guilty about falling asleep while reading the bible or praying, and then one day I felt like God said to me, “What better way to fall asleep than by spending time with me?” Subsequently, my bible reading habit was started…and thus my real relationship with God as well.

Other reasons why we read the bible…

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