This Is Why Black Lives Matter
This week I thought it might be helpful for me to share my heart and some of my own recent personal convictions on the issues of racism and social injustice (which I will continue next week as well). I ask you in advance to please give me grace for any errors in the way I may say this. I may not say the perfect thing in the perfect way. My goal is just to be a part of the conversation and to be a voice instead of remaining silent.
I’m going to be super honest and transparent. I specifically remember a time a few years ago when the phrase “Black Lives Matter” irritated me a little bit. My instantaneous thought was “All Lives Matter”. However, my perspective has shifted. I NOW accurately see the viewpoint of Black Lives Matter. Whereas before I believe I was ignorant and uneducated in my own limited perspective.

Photo credit unknown
I had a misunderstanding of what the phrase meant. It does not mean that black lives matter more than other lives or that black lives are more important. The phrase is merely pointing out a marginalized and oppressed group of people that are suffering injustice. This is not a statement to exclude other lives but merely a statement to focus on the hurting ones.
If you know me, you know I love analogies. Recently I’ve seen some really good analogies for this Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter conversation. You’ve probably seen some of these floating around social media. Some of these did play a role in my eyes opening and in my shifted viewpoint.
There was the analogy of a house fire and “all houses matter”.

Credit: Chainsawsuit by Kris Straub
Then I also heard it as a comparison to going to the emergency room. Everyone in that emergency room matters, but there are some with life threatening injuries or conditions which become priority at that particular time. They will get treated first even though everyone there is important and should be taken care of. In THAT moment there is a higher priority BECAUSE all lives matter.