The Senses of Christmas
The past several years, I’ve really tried to slow my pace during the Christmas holiday season and really try to savor and enjoy it. One of the things that I’ve reintroduced into my holiday break is to read books, particularly holiday-themed ones. A few Christmases ago, I read a wonderful book, The Christmas Box, which gave me an idea for a blog post about engaging our five senses at Christmastime and elsewhere. I made note of it in my notes app on my phone, and just recently I was reminded of it. Therefore, today I’d like to share some insights on the senses of Christmas.
An inspiration…
In The Christmas Box (which is a bit of a tearjerker by the way), there’s a scene where one of the characters is asking an elderly widow about which of the five senses she thought was most affected by Christmas. Her response was,
“I love everything about this season,” she continued. “But I think what I love the most about Christmas are its sounds. The bells of street-corner Santa Clauses, the familiar Christmas records on the phonograph, the sweet, untuned voices of Christmas carolers. And the bustling downtown noises. The crisp crinkle of wrapping paper and department store sacks and the cheerful Christmas greetings of strangers. And then there are the Christmas stories. The wisdom of Dickens and all Christmas story-tellers.” She seemed to pause for emphasis. “I love the sounds of this season. Even the sounds of this old house take on a different character at Christmas. These Victorian ladies seem to have a spirit all their own.”[1]
This description got my mind reeling about my own experiences at Christmas based on my five senses. I tried to answer the same question about which of the five senses I thought was most affected by Christmas. Honestly, I couldn’t narrow it down to just one. They are ALL affected!
Sounds of Christmas

Sound senses of Christmas–Jingle bells
When I think of the sounds of Christmas several things come to mind, much like those stated in the book excerpt. My favorite sound, obviously, would be that of Christmas music and carols. I seriously get giddy like a child when it’s time to break out the Christmas music! More annoyingly, I think of those repetitive holiday commercials. Then there is the collection of Hallmark Christmas ornaments that my kids play over and over by repetitively pushing the buttons on each and every one…every…single…day (I secretly enjoy this though, ssshh).
I also love the sounds of jingle bells, Salvation Army bell ringers at the stores, and Christmas stories (including THE Christmas Story). There’s also the chatty banter at family get-togethers. Finally, I can’t forget the hustle and bustle of shoppers (which can now often be avoided with online shopping!).
Sights of Christmas

Sight senses of Christmas–the lights
The sights of Christmas are some of my favorite senses to engage. I love, love, love the lights! We love to go out as a family gazing at the neighborhood lights in surrounding communities. A Christmas tree can be seen in nearly every room of our house—it’s a rule.
Decorations abound in our home too. This completely irritates Eric because he dreads the day when it’s time to trek up into the attic to drag out the countless boxes of décor. There’s just something about twinkling greenery wrapping around railings, banisters, mirrors, windows, and doorframes that gives the home such a festive, warm, fuzzy feeling!
And we can’t forget about the Christmas movies! You know my addiction to Hallmark Christmas movies!
Smells of Christmas

The smells…