Tag Archives: funny meme

Funny Friday: When the Holy Spirit has given you everything you need

When the Holy Spirit has given you everything meme

Funny Friday: When the Holy Spirit has given you everything you need

Gotta love some Christian meme humor. When the Holy Spirit has given you everything you need but you still try to do it alone.

“You provided for them in the desert for 40 years, and they had everything they needed…” Nehemiah 9:21a (GWT)

Funny Friday: Alexa Play Let It Go

Alexa Play Let it Go Meme

Funny Friday: Alexa Play Let It Go

My sister sent this to me the other day and said, “I feel like this could be you telling the kids.” That’s so true! Anyone else relate??

“…The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17b (ESV)

Funny Friday: Our wireless doorbells

Our wireless doorbells meme

Funny Friday: Our wireless doorbells

My mom sent this meme to me recently. I wonder if the chime of these three wireless doorbells resemble the sound of the two of mine. I have a feeling they might not be quite as charming (**note the sarcasm**) as the bay of my beagle chime (which actually sounds more like a barking seal). The Amazon delivery person probably thinks we are running an indoor aquatic facility by the sound of our “doorbell”. 🙂

“Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill…” Joel 2:1a (NIV)

Funny Friday: How a normal person tells a story

How a normal person tells a story meme

Funny Friday: How a normal person tells a story

Those who know me can attest to this all-too-relatable meme. When I tell a story, it’s never quick and you can definitely expect lots of context and detail!

“Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.” Matthew 13:34 (NLT)

Funny Friday: Email or Bacon

Email or bacon meme

Funny Friday: Email or Bacon

My son passed this along to me. Pretty clever meme. I’ve come across a few pictorial instructions lately that have been equally confusing. These “helpful” images are not always very helpful when you’re in a foreign country and don’t speak the language!

“…Come, let us cast lots to find out…” Jonah 1:7 (NIV)