Tag Archives: goals

Get Back to the Basics

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Get Back to the Basics

As we start the new year, several people are making new commitments, forming new habits, and strengthening spiritual disciplines. Sometimes, I find it helpful to revisit the basics and/or review or remind myself of some things that can be helpful.

Below are some links to revisit some of the basics via some of our previous posts. (You can also find these posts via the “New to the Faith? / The Basics” page on the blog’s menu.)

  • Look over the list of posts and see if any stand out to you, fit with some of your goals for this year, or may help you strengthen some spiritual disciplines.
  • Even, if you’ve read the post(s) before, it’s often helpful to get a refresher, and many times the Holy Spirit might point out something that wasn’t necessarily prominent or as meaningful the first time around. I find this to be true when I re-listen to sermons or podcasts as well.
  • You might also consider sharing a post or two with someone that comes to mind as you read through the links. You never know what might be helpful for others as they strengthen their own spiritual disciplines. Sometimes we all could use a boost in the basics.

Learn and Grow in the Christian Faith

A Christian’s purpose and mission in life is to continue to become and live like Jesus. It is possible! In fact, we are told to do so in several places in scripture. Jesus even says numerous times, “Follow Me…” It is said that there are recurring 4 phases of a journey that every Christian goes through: Know God (learning), Grow in Freedom (fixing broken stuff in our lives), Discover Purpose (discovering and using your God-given gifts and talents and life experiences), and Go Make Disciples, Go Make a Difference (helping others grow and making a difference in the world).

Can I Really Live Like Jesus?

Resources and Tools

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Reasons for Writing Goals Down

Why should we be writing goals down? Well, there are numerous reasons and benefits to writing goals down, and I’m going to share some of them with you (along with a few resources and studies to back them up so you’ll know I’m not just blowing smoke!).

Reasons for Writing Goals Down

At the start of each year, many people start thinking about some goals that they would like to accomplish. It might be specific resolutions or things related to a yearly word or theme. However, those goals often get forgotten or written off a few months into the new year. So what’s the point?  Why should we be writing goals down?  Well, there are numerous reasons and benefits to writing goals down, and I’m going to share some of them with you (along with a few resources and studies to back them up so you’ll know I’m not just making it up).

A to-do list for life

First, it’s important to set and write goals out because they become our “to-do” list for life.  I don’t know about you, but I’m a “to-do” list fanatic (read more about the importance of to-do lists here.)  Thus, I thrive on to-do lists (post-it notes, phone reminders, calendar notes, etc.).  I LOVE crossing stuff off of lists. Goals are no different.  The feeling of achieving a goal and crossing it off of a list is amazing!

Accountability and focus

It’s also important that we are writing goals down because they give us something concrete to look at, and they serve as a form of accountability.  There’s something about writing something down that makes you feel like “ok, now I HAVE to do it”.  Writing goals down brings them into sharper focus.  Having to write our goals out forces us to clarify them and focus on what it is that we really want.

A road map and grocery list analogy

Writing goals down is kind of like taking a road map on a trip or making a grocery list before going to the store.  It helps us to have a focused plan.  We can determine how to get there and have a clear direction.  It can also save us some stress and help us to be more efficient (saving time and money).

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m directionally challenged.  Therefore I NEED a map (well, now it’s GPS guidance) to get me places…because if I don’t have a map I may end up in Montana instead of Florida if I’m driving to Disneyworld.  And the grocery store?  Don’t even get me started!  I actually have an app on my phone that keeps my grocery list, and it’s even ordered by aisle and has prices I’ve entered for each item so I can stay on budget.  I might be a little compulsive, but at least it’s an app now—I used to do an Excel spreadsheet for my grocery list.  Don’t judge me. 🙂

Without my list, I’m all over the store, thus wasting time.  I buy things I don’t need, thus wasting money, or I forget things I do need, thus wasting time AND money by having to make a second trip back to the store.  So, much like my grocery list, if I don’t write down my goals I could be wasting precious time, money, and energy going off in all sorts of wrong directions.

Research backs the effectiveness of goal-writing

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