Tag Archives: God’s Voice

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose...He is your artist and author.

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose

This past week we talked about how you have to look for and discover your gifts. It’s kind of like you’re a detective on a case trying to solve a mystery. One of the steps of the search process is to ask God about your gifts and purpose. After all, He’s the one who created you! If anybody would know what your gifts are and how you are supposed to use them it would be God.

I guess you could liken it to inquiring about a painting. Who would you ask if you had questions about the details of a painting? The artist, of course. What about a book that has left you with some questions? Who would you ask if you wanted to know more than what was on the surface? You would ask the author! The creators of the works have all of the knowledge and the inside scoop. They knew what they had in mind when they created their work.

God: Artist and Author

Similarly, God is your creator. God is your artist. You are His Masterpiece.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

God is the also the author who has already written your story. Because of that, He already knows how it ends!

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)  

Therefore, when you have questions about yourself and how you were made, Continue reading

Recognizing God’s Love By Building Your Relationship With God–Part 2

Recognizing God’s Love By Building Your Relationship With God--Part 2

Recognizing God’s Love By Building Your Relationship With Him–Part 2

Last week I started a reply to comment that I received on a previous post, “How to Overcome Feeling Unloved or Unwanted”.  I shared that learning to recognize God’s love is a process that takes time and starts with building a relationship with God.  This week I’d like to finish up my reply by giving the intentional steps that we need to take in order to build our relationship with God and to learn how to feel God’s love.  I will give more details on what more is needed besides attending a getaway, retreat or conference in order to have lasting healing and success.

Reader’s Comment:

“I’m 59, and to this day still feel unloved. I believe what you say about God’s love for us. I can’t seem to sit and really spend time with him. I do talk to Him all day here and there. I know in my mind He loves me but the rest of me doesn’t. I’m so insure from lack of feeling love I push people away. I hate it. I have five kids whom I love so much along with 9 grandkids. At this point I prefer to be dead, but I don’t want to give up. I want to know true love (not from a man at this point divorced twice) and happiness here on earth before I die. Are there places to go for a week or 2 for adults to get away and have bible studies or spiritual help?”

Previously I addressed that there’s a need for some emotional and spiritual healing to take place.  I gave an analogy of a broken arm and how a cast (like a retreat or a conference) is the start of the healing process, but more healing needs to take place on the inside by taking some steps on purpose to have lasting, long-term recovery.  I mentioned that the 4-step Formula for Success would be beneficial in this process.  The formula consists of learning, taking action, using persistence, and make sure we have support. 

Take Some Practical Steps to Build Your Relationship With God:


The first step we need to intentionally take to build our relationship with God (and to learn to recognize God’s love by spending time with him) is to learn about him.  There are several ways to do this. Continue reading

God Talks Like Bumblebee the Transformer

See how God talks like Bumblebee the Transformer...

God Talks Like Bumblebee the Transformer 

“And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of gentle stillness and a still, small voice.”  1 Kings 19:11-12 (AMP)

It feels weird to say that God speaks to me or that God told me something.  I often wonder if people think I’m a little crazy when I say things like that!  I don’t hear voices in my head, and I’ve never heard an audible voice.  It’s just simply my own thoughts that sometimes seem to come out of nowhere or reading a word or phrase in one or more bible verses that just seem to stick out for some reason.  In the bible, God spoke to Elijah.  It says in 1 Kings 19:11-12 that there was a strong wind but the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire was a still, small voice which was the Lord’s.  Many times I think that people believe that if God is going to speak to us it is going to be a big, grand ordeal, but that is rarely the case. 

Here’s one picture that comes to my mind when I think of how God talks to us…that God talks like Bumblebee the Transformer. 🙂  In the Transformers movies, you know how Bumblebee used to talk to Sam?  He used parts of songs on the radio or audio clips to get what he wanted to say across to Sam because he couldn’t actually talk to him since his voice box had been damaged.  It was funny because he would actually take different parts of different verses and choruses from various songs or audio clips or quotes from movies and piece them together to form his message.

That’s kind of how God talks to us sometimes.  God talks like Bumblebee in that He uses bit and pieces of things to get messages across to us at times.  Sometimes He uses different verses, or parts of verses, out of the Bible.  Sometimes it’s the same words or phrases repeated in different verses of the bible that we come across.  Other times He uses our thoughts or even other people.  God can speak to us in many ways—often with just one word or a phrase.  Sometimes He’ll speak to us through our surroundings—it may be a bumper sticker or billboard, a song on the radio, something we read online, an overheard conversation or something on TV.  Sometimes we’ll come across a repeated theme in various areas (i.e. you might hear a church sermon, hear a song and/or read a devotion that all seem to coincidentally have the same message or theme).

God talks like Bumblebee because Continue reading