Tag Archives: going through a hard time

10 Ways to Get Through a Hard Time

Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from going through hard times. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do. Here are 10 ways to get through a hard time...

10 Ways to Get Through a Hard Time

Have you been going through a hard time?  Sometimes as a Christian, we feel like we should always have it “put together” and know how to handle trials, struggles and bad circumstances.  Unfortunately, being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from going through a hard time.  Jesus told us as much…

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

However, sometimes it’s just hard to know what to do in the midst of the trouble.  Sometimes we already know what to do, we just need someone to remind us or to confirm what we already know.

Previously we talked about the difficulties of going through a transition and discussed some strategies to navigate through the process.  Because transitions often include “hard times”, this week I thought I would share 10 ways that I, personally, get through a hard time.  This is kind of my go-to list of things to do (even when and ESPECIALLY when I don’t feel like it).  

Take Some Practical Steps—10 Ways to Get Through a Hard Time:

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We Have Authority

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We Have Authority—It’s time to start using it!

I mentioned in a recent post about God’s power in us that I’ve been working on writing some posts about spiritual warfare and encountering Satan and evil spiritual and supernatural forces. Some of the most important things we need to know when engaging in spiritual warfare is that we have power and authority from God. Therefore, this post is primarily going to be focusing on instruction on the authority that God gives us and encouragement to start using that authority.

It’s so important that we discuss authority because if we don’t know we have it, we won’t use it. This is like a $100 bill in your pocket that you don’t know is there! If you don’t use it, it won’t do you any good. It reminds me of the time when I had sold my college textbooks back to the bookstore at the end of the semester and pocketed my refund. I packed that pair of pants away and forgot that the money was in my pocket. Several months went by when that money would have come in really handy. I had the money the whole time. I just wasn’t aware of it and didn’t use it. That is, until one day when I wore those pants again and stuck my hand in my pocket. That was a great day!

What IS authority and why is it important?

Authority is delegated power. It’s a power granted to one person by someone else who is IN authority. Authority is being in charge, in control, or in command. The person in authority is the one legally giving the orders, and the ones to whom those orders are given MUST comply.

As a Christian, we have authority over the enemy, given to us by God (more about this throughout the post).

This is important because if God gave us authority over the enemy, that then means WE are the ones in charge and the enemy must comply. Or as a child might put it, the devil is “not the boss of us” or our situations and circumstances. Therefore, we need to stop acting like he is and stop acting like we’re powerless.

There needs to be authority for things to be in place. Satan always wants to stop it. However, the devil and his forces HAVE to recognize our influence as believers.

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (KJV)

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (NIV)

Where does authority come from?

If authority is delegated power, then where does it come from? All authority comes from God.

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” Romans 13:1 (NLT)

The value of authority rests in the power behind it. God is the power behind our influence. When we use our God-given authority, HIS power backs us up.

Even Jesus was under God’s authority. He was not out doing his own works in his own name. Jesus does what God does or God’s will.

“So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” John 5:19 (NLT)

“I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.” John 5:30 (NLT)

We are also under God’s authority. James 4:7 says that we should submit ourselves to God, then resist the devil and he will flee. To “submit” here indicates that to get our power and influence we have to obey and follow the one who gives it to us. Subordinates not obeying or submitting their upper authority will get their own power revoked. This means that we have to FIRST be submitted to God under HIS authority (to his teaching and his Word), just as Jesus was. We must follow and obey God and his Word. This submission to a higher authority then gives us our authority within which we operate and have power, God’s power working with and through us.

How authority works on the earth…Is God REALLY in control?

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This Will Change How You View Stress

Read this post to change how you view stress...

This Will Change How You View Stress 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV) 

To complement last week’s post about being stressed out, I thought we’d revisit a previous post on a different way of looking at stress…

This past week in my college classes we were discussing stress…including its symptoms, causes, advantages, disadvantages, and how to manage it.  Since we are all about being Happy, Healthy and Prosperous at this website, I thought it fitting to discuss stress here too since it can have an impact on all three areas…our happiness, our prosperity and definitely our health.

The dictionary defines stress as physical, mental or emotional strain or tension.  Things that happen in our life can contribute to strong feelings of worry or anxiety.  We can also feel stress when a variety of demands on us increase or when we feel threatened by a situation.  There are many things that can factor in or add to stress, and most commonly stress has a negative connotation.  Stress can, however, be leveraged for good if balanced properly.

In class I showed a TED Talk video about how to make stress your friend.  This video greatly changed the way I have always perceived stress.  After viewing it myself, I immediately wanted to share it with my friends and family.  I would also like to share it here.  The video is about 14 minutes long, but it’s well worth the watch when you have the time.  Who knows…It may even prolong and enhance your life!  If you don’t have time to watch it now, I highly encourage you to bookmark the video link page and watch it later.  You can watch/bookmark the video on the TED website by clicking here or by clicking on the YouTube site link here (both sites have a “Watch Later” option).

Our perception affects stress’s impact

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Stressed Out?

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Stressed Out?

I don’t typically think of myself as a person who gets stressed out easily, and I don’t often get too overwhelmed. I’m a fairly good multitasker–not necessarily good at doing several things at once but being able to prioritize several things. Since all of the COVID-19 mess and shelter-in-place orders though, everything seems equally urgent and important. Additionally, so many things lately are completely out of my control, which I DON’T like.

There were multiple things to do, all with a sense of urgency. I was wearing many hats and had lots of things on my plate. So many things were time consuming, and it never seemed like there was enough time to get it all done. I love a good to-do list because they tend to help me feel less stressed. Though one day I made a to-do list with about 8-10 items on it…I only finished 2 of them that day, which made me feel even worse.

On top of that, several people were making demands of me, and it felt like everybody wanted (insert demand) RIGHT NOW. I hate letting people down, and I always want to lend a helping hand where I’m able. However, I found myself getting irritated about not getting my stuff done because of people asking and expecting me to do things.

Thus, I would definitely have labeled myself as very stressed recently. I have found a few things that have proven extremely helpful during this season, so I thought I would pass them along in case others might be a little stressed too.

Helpful advice from others when I’m stressed

It’s always a good idea to have a good support system and to reach out and take heed to the counsel of trusted people in your life. Fortunately I surround myself with an excellent support system that can talk some sense into me when I don’t always think clearly. My husband, Eric, reminded me that sometimes it’s okay to let some things go. He pointed out where I might be putting unrealistic expectations on myself.

My boss at the college where I teach reiterated to me that we are in “good enough” mode, not “best practices” mode. I think she knows how we like to do our jobs with excellence, but she reassured us that the college would be understanding in times of crisis where we sometimes just need to do what it takes to get by.

I had some great counsel from a couple of friends who already homeschool their kids and work from home. They were able to guide me to be flexible with a routine, not rigid (not my structured-self tends to be) and to remember that each child is different and would work at different paces and have different needs.

I received counsel and a few other friends and family members reminded me that I need to set boundaries, say “no”, ask for help, and delegate what I can.

All of the advice and reminders really helped to lift a weight I felt. In addition to these things, I spent some extra time reading devotions about managing stress and spending some extra time in prayer and reading my Bible, where I was able to get even more wise counsel on being stressed. Specifically, I was able to pull out a few strategies from reading Philippians 4. Check them out…

Take Some Practical Steps When You Are Stressed Out:

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Jesus Will Carry Your Burdens

Jesus Will Carry Your Burdens.

Jesus Will Carry Your Burdens

**This post was one I wrote several years ago, on February 17, 2015 during a sad, heavy-hearted time. While I am not currently sad, or heavy-hearted, I know that many are, and many are carrying extra burdens, extra duties, and extra cares & stresses during this present time in our world. I’d like to revisit this post with reminders for times like these.**

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 (NLT) 

My heart is so heavy, burdened and sad this past week.  I have had to remind and tell myself that “Jesus will carry your burdens.”  I am fine, and I have had no personal loss.  Unfortunately though some of my friends have, which makes me hurt for them.  For some reason I just feel like there’s so much sadness (like I said…my heart feels heavy).  If you know me at all, you know that I’m a person of great empathy.  I hurt when others hurt.

This past week a friend of mine unexpectedly lost her husband.  I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and suffering that she and her children must be enduring.  There’s also a feeling of helplessness because there is absolutely nothing that I can say or do to take away any of their pain.  I absolutely HATE death and the pain that it brings with it.

Sad times

On the same day that I learned about my friend’s husband, I saw that Continue reading

Prayer for Time of Crisis

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Prayer for Time of Crisis

This week I wanted to share a Prayer for Time of Crisis (with some foundation scriptures). This prayer is timely during the COVID-19 crisis that our world is currently facing.

A few helpful things to remember during a time of crisis:

  • Our first response during times of crisis should be to go to the Bible to see what God’s word has to say about it.
  • Crisis happens all the time. Whenever a crisis comes up, God has something for us to grab right in the middle of it.
  • If you give the devil enough rope, he’ll hang himself. Satan often overplays his hand, and the very attacks he makes are often the very things that seal his fate. He brings about his own undoing, and God will turn the tables on him bringing his people out even better on the other side of crisis.
  • The people of God come out in victory on the other side because of faith. If we keep our faith, we will get the victory. We have to fight to keep our faith. The devil will try to steal it from us because he knows that’s how we will get our victory.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” 1 John 5:4 (NLT)

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)

  • Just because we experience crisis doesn’t mean that we aren’t living right or following God. Jesus even told us trouble would come to us.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

Take Some Practical Steps to Pray During This Time of Crisis:

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COVID-19: Fight Fear

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COVID-19: Fight Fear

I hesitated adding yet another thing out there having anything remotely related to COVID-19. Quite honestly I’m exhausted and overwhelmed with reading and hearing about it everywhere I look.

That being said, I do feel like God compelled me to provide resources for those who may need some extra encouragement to fight fear or who may need more reassurance and comfort. Just because I’m not struggling does not mean that others aren’t. Additionally, it would be nice to see some positive, encouraging, faith-related information out there to counterbalance and fight fear and panic inducing media that’s being shoved down our throats everywhere we turn.

Today, I’d like to provide you with some practical steps, encouragement, reminders, helpful scriptures, helpful posts/articles, and some faith and hope building resources to support you and help you fight fear during this volatile time in our world.

First and foremost: God is still God, and He can turn bad into good

God can take something bad, something evil, something the devil uses for harm and turn it into something good. God can turn the tables on our enemy. No matter how bleak things may look in our world right now, God can and will still work through this and in spite of this crisis.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 (NLT)

“You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.” Genesis 50:20 (GNT)

Read this helpful post:

Getting Through a Tough Time and Coming Out Better On the Other Side

God is immutable—He will not change

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Is God Enlarging Your Capacity?

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Is God Enlarging Your Capacity?

I mentioned recently that I’ve been coming across a lot of opposition in a variety of areas. At times it’s seemed a bit overwhelming, and it started getting me to question why I was getting hit with so much. My boss at the college where I teach even joked with me not long ago saying, “Why are you always the one getting all of these weird, off-the-wall situations?” To which I responded, “You know, I’d really like to know the answer to that!” Well…I think I got it.

One morning after teaching one of my classes at Glory House, I was visiting with Ms. Susie, the Executive Director, about all the junk that I had been dealing with lately. During our conversation I said, “Why am I ALWAYS the one getting this stuff and having to deal with this stuff?” Ms. Susie answered quite frankly, “God is enlarging your capacity.”

Then I was like, “Oh no! I’ve been praying exactly that–for God to enlarge my capacity!” (insert face slap) I had prayed those exact words “enlarge my capacity”. These things were happening as an answer to my own prayer…an indirect answer of course! God didn’t just enlarge my capacity. He allowed me to encounter challenges that would stretch me and force my capacity to increase, to make my normal capacity boundary lines larger. I guess this is kind of like when people warn you not to pray for patience! Because you don’t just automatically get patience, you get opportunities for your patience to grow.

Our capacity must increase

About a month prior to this conversation, I had done a Bible reading plan about growing leadership capacity. In the plan, it said that in order “to see our dreams fulfilled and to continue having influence in God’s Kingdom, our capacity must increase.”[1] It talked about facing challenges, pressure, and stress to adjust our ability to manage those things (because we need to reach our potential). We don’t get rid of these things by running from them.

“The key to increasing your capacity is to decide you will allow God to work in your life, to stretch you beyond your comfort zone and enlarge your capacity to overcome challenges.”[2]

Easier is not always better. This reminded me of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. It HAS to go through the struggle and the challenge of fighting its way out of that cocoon. Those stresses and pressures against it are what enable it to become stronger. Without that process, the butterfly would be too weak to do what it was intended to do, and the same is true for us at times. Sometimes we need the struggle to make us stronger and to enlarge our capacity and ability to accomplish the things that God has called us to do.

Making room for growth by enlarging capacity

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