Tag Archives: prayer cues

Do you use Prayer Cues?

Do you use prayer cues? Try some of these reminders to use throughout your day...

Do you use Prayer Cues?

The Bible instructs us to pray constantly…

“Pray constantly.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (HCSB)

Previously, I wrote about when and where to pray and several posts on how to pray. Sometimes this can be difficult to remember to do throughout your day unless you have reminders. I know some people who set reminder alerts on their phones to pray at specific times of the day. I think this is a great idea. Something that I have found to be extremely helpful though is to use prayer cues.

Prayer cues are simply visual or auditory reminders to pray for something as you see or hear it. These can be specific things or topics that you have a heart for, certain people in your life, emergency or crisis situations, or even things that frustrate or annoy you.

A few examples of prayer cues I use

My kids and I started using sirens, emergency vehicles, and/or accident scenes as prayer cues to pray for the potential victims and emergency responders. When we hear sirens or see flashing lights or drive past an accident we say a short prayer for the safety of all involved. We pray for wisdom and guidance for the responders to act quickly and to know exactly what to do. We also pray that God’s presence is evident to those involved.

Some other prayer cues I use are exotic clubs, nightclubs/bars, and casinos. I’ve seen countless families suffer pain and heartache due to the use or misuse of these kinds of establishments. Quite honestly, the first thing I pray is that they will go out of business! Basically, I ask God to place a hedge or barriers around the businesses deterring people from going to them. I pray that the businesses would lose demand therefore causing them to shut down. That’s not all though. I also pray for both the employees and the patrons of these businesses.

Whenever I drive past a strip bar or exotic dance club I pray that the women who work there would come to the knowledge that they are loved by God. I pray for God to provide a healthier and more moral means of income. Additionally, I pray for God to protect and salvage families affected by patrons of the business and for the families of the employees of the business. Finally, I ask God to send laborers to cross their paths, to send people to love on them, and to surround them with God.

God answers the prayers of prayer cues

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