Tag Archives: prayer request

What are the benefits of corporate prayer?

What are the benefits of corporate prayer? Is praying with others better than praying alone?

What are the benefits of corporate prayer? Is praying with others better than praying alone?

A while ago a friend of mine approached me and asked about the benefits of corporate prayer (in other words, praying with one or more people). Previously, she had been discussing with some other friends on the topic. They were pondering the power of two or more prayers and why it would be more advantageous than praying alone if the individual praying had great faith. They brought up the point that the Bible says that if one person can have faith as small as a mustard seed anything is possible for them. If one person can have faith as small as a mustard seed and get their prayers answered, then what’s the benefit of praying with someone else?

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in Heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:19-20 (NLT)

“’You don’t have enough faith,’ Jesus told them. ‘I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.’” Matthew 17:20 (NLT)

It’s a GREAT question! So today I thought we could talk about that.

It’s more about us than God’s power

I pointed out what Matthew 18:19-20 says about the tremendous power available when believers pray together in agreement because God’s presence is right there among them.

Then another good, and very wise 😉 friend in my small group, Michelle, had even better insight. She pointed out that it doesn’t necessarily mean that corporate prayer is more powerful than praying alone but that we feel more empowered when we pray with others. Michelle said, “It doesn’t have to do with God’s power. It’s more about us. It helps us.” So, the benefit is more for us, not for better chances of the prayer being answered.

Corporate prayer is not a magical power enhancement button that we push. Praying with others does not always necessarily mean that these prayers are more powerful than individual prayers. However, they do have their benefits!

Benefit #1: Corporate prayer helps us to build each other up and strengthens us.

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Praying Scripture-Based Prayers

Praying Scripture-Based Prayers title image

Praying Scripture-Based Prayers

We’ve already discussed and learned about the benefits and power of prayer in addition to some tips for how to pray (see the “Prayer” section on this link here). This week I’d like to specifically address scripture-based prayers. We’ll discuss what they are, how they are a powerful way of praying, why we should pray them, and how to make scripture-based prayers.

There is nothing new about these types of prayers. This has been a way of praying for generations. Additionally, we can see examples and instances of people quoting scripture in their prayers throughout the Old and New Testaments.

What are scripture-based prayers?

Scripture-based prayers are a type of prayer where we take a scripture or Bible verse and use the words from the scripture to formulate a specific prayer. Instead of coming up with our own words to pray to God, we just pray what’s already written in the Bible. These prayers are rooted in scripture.

Scripture-based prayers are essentially just praying scripture back to God. It’s a way of praying using Bible verses either in or to formulate our prayer. Furthermore, we can let the meaning of the verses inspire our thoughts and become our own prayer.

Scripture-based prayers are a powerful way of praying

We know from reading James 5:16 that prayer is powerful and effective.

“…The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)

Additionally, Hebrews 4:12 tells us God’s Word (i.e. scripture) is living and powerful.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (NKJV)

Therefore, if prayer is powerful and God’s Word is powerful, it’s doubly powerful to pray scripture-based prayers!

It’s powerful to agree with and say the same thing as God

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When Somebody Makes a Prayer Request

When Somebody Makes a Prayer Request ...

When Somebody Makes a Prayer Request

I think a lot of times people just flippantly say “I’m praying for you” or “I’ll pray for you”, but more often than not, it’s just lip-service.  They may truly mean it at the time, but then they might forget later or not make it a priority.  Sometimes people just don’t know WHAT or HOW to pray for the other person making the prayer request.  Today I’d like to help you out with this by giving you some suggestions for not just offering lip service when a prayer request is made of you and for how to actually pray for that person when they ask.

Pray right then and there

To address the first issue, I’ll give you some tips for how to actually pray for them and not just say that you will.  The first and best piece of advice that I can give you is what works for me.  Stop whatever you are doing, and pray for them right then and there.  You can’t forget to do it later if you do it right now.  It should only take you a couple of minutes, if that.  You don’t even have to pray out loud or even with them if that makes you uncomfortable.  Just take a second to say a silent prayer on their behalf.

Make a note to pray

The next thing you can do is to make yourself a note to pray for them.  Write yourself a reminder to pray for that person later and/or to check on them again to see how they are doing.  I’ve found myself writing things on post-it notes, index cards, adding a note to my phone, or setting a reminder alarm, and I even have a prayer request app on my phone that I use from time to time.  I also write prayers in my quiet time journal. Additionally, the Bible app has a place to make a prayer list.

One thing that I haven’t started yet that I would like to start is a separate prayer journal.  I’d like to have a place where I can write my own prayer requests to God along with others as a physical and tangible list and reminder.  Then I’ll also be able to go back and mark when they were answered.   Maybe a prayer journal would be a good idea for you too?  The point is, when you write things down, it’s easier to remember to do them.  Plus, you have a tangible reminder to do so.

As far as HOW to pray for them…

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15 Reasons Why We Pray

15 Reason Why We Pray...Learn the importance and reasons for prayer

15 Reasons Why We Pray

I’ve been on the receiving end of so many answered prayers.  I cannot even begin to count the prayers that God has answered, both big and small.  From… Eric getting out of a military assignment that would have taken him away for over 12 months soon after we were married, to having a happy, healthy baby after a miscarriage, to financial provision right when we needed it, to something as simple as finding lost car keys… God has proven faithful time and time again.  My only complaints would be that God’s answers to my prayers didn’t always come in MY timing 🙂, and sometimes His answer was not the answer I wanted or expected (at the time).  Over the years and after a lot of practice praying, I’ve discovered the importance of prayer and the many reasons why we pray.

I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  So, I thought I’d share some of the reasons why we pray and the importance of prayer.  Then, in other posts we’ll discuss some of the logistics of prayer…when to pray, where to pray, what and how to pray, and even some of the hindrances to prayer.

We need to make prayer a regular part of our daily lives.  There are many reasons why we pray and why we should speak to God.  In order for any relationship to thrive, there MUST be communication.  Our relationship with God is no different.  It is imperative that we communicate with God on a daily basis.  I’ve come up with 15 reasons why we pray. Obviously, I’m sure there are so many more, but here are some excellent reasons to get us started 😉

15 Reasons Why We Pray: Continue reading

Prayer for You This Year–2018

Prayer for You This Year 2018

Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

Prayer for You This Year–2018

As many people start the year with a fresh start and New Year’s Resolutions, it’s a time to look toward the upcoming year. The same is true for me. I’ll be participating with my church in a 21 day challenge involving 21 days of prayer, discipline and bible study. During the month of January, I will be spending some time in concentrated prayer. As part of my prayer time, I will be spending time praying for my blog, readers, and subscribers. I plan on praying for each person on my subscriber list individually.

There will be some general areas that I will be praying for each of you, which I’ll detail below. However, I’d also like to take this opportunity to reach out to you and see if you have any specific needs or prayer requests that you would like me to pray about. I would love to hear from you!

You can let me know your requests by:

  1. Posting a comment below (at the bottom of this page)
  2. Sending a message through my contact page by clicking here
  3. Sending me an email at tracy at happyhealthyandprosperous dot com (I have to list the email this way to avoid those crazy spam robots! :P)

I will add your specific requests to my list, and I will commit to praying for you and your needs. If you don’t have any specific needs, please know that you are still being prayed for by name anyway!

General areas I’ll be praying for

  • Spiritual growth and relationship with God and for you to also grow in wisdom stature and favor like Jesus did
  • Health, healing and emotional well-being
  • Relationships with others in your life
  • Work
  • Finances and prosperity
  • Gifts, calling and purpose
  • Direction
  • Strength and courage
  • Peace
  • Open doors for you this year and close the wrong ones
  • Experience God’s love this year

My prayer for you this year…

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A Prayer For Lost Hope: Follow This Example of How to Write a Prayer Based Off of Scripture

A Prayer For Lost Hope: Follow This Example of How to Write a Prayer Based Off of Scripture

A Prayer For Lost Hope: Follow This Example of How to Write a Prayer Based Off of Scripture

I received a nice comment recently on a blog post for a prayer for those who make bad choices. The reader mentioned as a person who struggles with prayer, she was enjoying fill-in-the blank prayers.

It was a nice confirmation to hear that because I had actually been thinking lately that I need to start writing some more of those. I have always loved Stormie Omartian’s prayers like this (i.e. Power of a Praying Wife, Power of a Praying Husband, Power of a Praying Parent, Power of a Praying Grandparent, etc.). If you have never read or used any of her material I HIGHLY recommend it.

I thought today I would take you through the process of how I come up with and write these prayers. It’s easy! Anybody can do it. I’ll show you how by giving you an example of writing a prayer for lost hope.

Take the Same Practical Steps I Take in Order to Write a Prayer Based Off of Scripture with this example of A Prayer for Lost Hope:

Step 1-Decide what I need to pray for and make a list of specifics.

For example, I pray for my students in my college classes each semester. Sometimes there seems to be a theme of what I’m praying for a particular group of students. This semester the word that keeps coming to mind for this group is “hope”. I get a feeling that many of them lack a sense of hope or that they feel hopeless. Therefore, some specifics I’d like to pray for them are:

  • That God would give them a sense of hope
  • I want them to see a hope in me, something that they desire, and I’d even like them to ask me about it, giving me an opportunity to tell them why I can hope even in seemingly hopeless situations
  • That they can see a hope in their future and that they don’t give up

Step 2-Find verses and promises in the bible that correlate with the specifics that I want to pray.

To do this, Continue reading