Tag Archives: strength

Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Last week’s post: Feeling Overwhelmed?

I received a lot of positive response to last week’s post about feeling overwhelmed. This week I thought I’d share some scriptures and a few songs that I like for when these emotions strike. It’s always helpful for me to have a list of go-to scriptures that are printed out or have an image of them to refer to in moments of need. I also like having some go-to songs to get me through certain emotions.

Hopefully you will find these helpful too. These are merely a few relevant scriptures and songs—there are many, many more! Feel free to leave a comment below with your own suggestions!

Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Do you ever have those days where you just feel overwhelmed? It’s not necessarily any one major thing that bothers you but maybe several little things just all piling up. I’ve had a few of those days recently. When they happened I’ll tend to beat myself up because I start to tell myself, “Why should I be upset? They’re just little things. I should be able to handle this better. What’s the matter with you, Tracy!?”

I’ll give you a recent example…

Eric’s been traveling a lot lately with his new job. He’s loving it, which is awesome, but unfortunately it has put a little bit of extra responsibility and stress on me. I have a whole new respect for single moms now! Major props to all of you out there!! Anyhow, on days that I teach at the college Eric used to pick the kids up for me. Now, I have to make arrangements for others to pick them up. Not a big deal, right?

Kid pick-up

Well, on Wednesdays it’s a little bit more of an ordeal. This semester I don’t get out of class on Wednesdays until 3:30. It’s about a 30 minute drive from the college to pick my kids up. So now it’s 4:00 by the time I get them (or even later if a student happens to corner me after class like this past week). Then it takes me a few minutes to load them up and another 15 minutes to get back home. Now, we’re arriving home around 4:45-5:00.

Church youth group

I volunteer as a small group leader for our youth group every Wednesday, so I have to be at church for a meeting at 6:00. It takes at least 30 minutes to get there, which means I need to leave my house by 5:30. Actually, I need to leave even earlier than that when Eric is out of town because before my meeting I have to take my daughter, who’s not old enough for youth yet, to the church childcare which is in a separate building. THEN…if my son has invited any friends to come to youth group with him (as he usually does each week), I need to add on an extra 30 minutes to be able to drive to pick them up. Basically, that means that now I need to leave my house no later than 5:00.

Isn’t it AWFUL that on some Wednesdays I secretly hope that his friends can’t come?!

A lot on my “plate”, but no time for dinner

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Prayer for You This Year–2018

Prayer for You This Year 2018

Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

Prayer for You This Year–2018

As many people start the year with a fresh start and New Year’s Resolutions, it’s a time to look toward the upcoming year. The same is true for me. I’ll be participating with my church in a 21 day challenge involving 21 days of prayer, discipline and bible study. During the month of January, I will be spending some time in concentrated prayer. As part of my prayer time, I will be spending time praying for my blog, readers, and subscribers. I plan on praying for each person on my subscriber list individually.

There will be some general areas that I will be praying for each of you, which I’ll detail below. However, I’d also like to take this opportunity to reach out to you and see if you have any specific needs or prayer requests that you would like me to pray about. I would love to hear from you!

You can let me know your requests by:

  1. Posting a comment below (at the bottom of this page)
  2. Sending a message through my contact page by clicking here
  3. Sending me an email at tracy at happyhealthyandprosperous dot com (I have to list the email this way to avoid those crazy spam robots! :P)

I will add your specific requests to my list, and I will commit to praying for you and your needs. If you don’t have any specific needs, please know that you are still being prayed for by name anyway!

General areas I’ll be praying for

  • Spiritual growth and relationship with God and for you to also grow in wisdom stature and favor like Jesus did
  • Health, healing and emotional well-being
  • Relationships with others in your life
  • Work
  • Finances and prosperity
  • Gifts, calling and purpose
  • Direction
  • Strength and courage
  • Peace
  • Open doors for you this year and close the wrong ones
  • Experience God’s love this year

My prayer for you this year…

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