When and Where to Pray
In a previous post, we talked about the why’s of praying and the many reasons for the importance of prayer. This week I’d like to share some about when and where to pray. This by no means is a legalistic list of do’s and don’ts, but rather some food for thought or general guidelines to think about as you establish your own prayer routines.
Pray without ceasing…an ongoing conversation
As far as WHEN to pray, there really are so many options! You can pray when you wake up, when you go to sleep, before meals, during quiet times, in the shower, in the car, anytime, or all the time. The important thing is to find time.
I remember having an epiphany or an “aha” moment in college. I read the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which states to “pray without ceasing” (some versions say pray continually, pray constantly or never stop praying). Growing up, my regular (and really only) prayer times were before meals and at bedtime. This new insight allowed me to realize that there is really no certain or right time to pray. God wants to talk to me all day! I just need to pray all the time.
That’s when I started having a daily, ongoing conversation with God. I still had regular and more formal times to pray, but more often than not I would just talk to God throughout the day. This idea of an ongoing conversation (kind of like an invisible friend walking beside me all day long) gave me the freedom to have a friendship and real relationship with God. I didn’t even say “amen”—it was literally an unending conversation all day long (sometimes out loud and sometimes silently in my head).
I often tell people, “if people could see me when I’m alone they’d think I was crazy—talking ‘to myself’ all the time.” At least nowadays there’s Bluetooth and earbuds, so as far as they know I might just be on the phone! The point is, you don’t always have to be formal in prayer. Just have an ongoing conversation with God. You don’t even have to say “Dear God” and “Amen”.
Have a regular prayer time
Aside from ongoing prayer, I think it’s also important to have a regular time to pray. Having a routine can be helpful. I heard Beth Jones say once, “You can pray anytime, but HAVE a time.” A regular, routine time to pray will strengthen your relationship with God. Morning, noon, or night, God wants to hear from you and connect with you.
“Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice.” Psalm 55:17 (NLT)