The Name of Jesus Gives Us an Elevated Position
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV)
When I was little my mom and dad would have my sisters, brothers, and I memorize bible verses. One of the verses that I still remember to this day is Proverbs 18:10. I think one of my favorite memories of this verse was when my twin brothers were very young when we memorized this particular verse, maybe 3 or 4 years old. At mealtimes when we prayed my brothers always wanted to say the prayer, and they would say this verse instead of actually praying for the food. It made us all laugh every time!
“Dear Jesus, The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous [then they would shout this next part at the top of their lungs] RUN INTO IT [and then back to a calm, normal voice] and are safe. Amen.”
As funny as that was, this verse always stuck with me. I knew that the name of God (or Jesus) brought safety. In moments of fear, I remembered this verse and knew I could call of the name of Jesus.
Calling on the name of Jesus as a child
I specifically remember one instance when this verse came to mind. I might have been in the 5th grade (or somewhere around that age). It was winter, and we had a snowstorm that year. We started a fire in our old woodstove fireplace, and after a while we started to hear what sounded like a low roaring thunder sound. My parents noticed the chimney (it was one of those old-time exposed chimneys) started to turn red, and my dad knew immediately that we had a fire in the chimney.
My dad shut the fireplace and called the fire department, and my mom quickly rushed the 5 of us kids outside. As we hurried outside, that verse came to mind. I thought, “Jesus’ name is safe. We need to run to Jesus’ name.” So then I started to say out loud, “We’re safe in Jesus’ name. We’re safe in Jesus’ name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I repeated this over and over.
Within minutes the fire department arrived at our house. Since the fire was still contained in the chimney, the firemen were able to get on top of the roof to put the fire out through the top of the chimney. The fireman tackled the fire from an elevated position (a theme you’ll see repeated as you keep reading). They didn’t even need to use their firehoses. They just shoveled some of the snow from the top of the roof to snuff it out, which was amazing because it eliminated any flooding or damage that a water hose could have potentially caused.
The name of Jesus is a place of safety
The name of Jesus was a place of safety that I ran to in that moment that alleviated my fears and, I believe, protected us from danger and destruction. There have been other situations where I’ve done something similar, calling on Jesus in times of trouble. Even to this day in moments of fear or need, I find myself whispering under my breath, “Jesus, help.” His name is a fortress that I can run to for help and protection.
A different take on Proverbs 18:10
I often read through the book of Proverbs each month (a chapter a day corresponding with the day of the month), starting over each month reading it in a different translation. One month I read through Proverbs in the “Complete Jewish Bible” (CJB) translation. On April 18, 2016 when reading the 18th chapter of Proverbs, I saw this verse from a different perspective.
“The name of Adonai is a strong tower; a righteous person runs to it and is raised high [above danger].” Proverbs 18:10 (CJB)
I wrote in my journal that day:
“I never heard or thought about it this way. It makes sense. “Tower” is a high, elevated position and out of danger. People fight better from an elevated position…even hunting (deer stands, etc.).”
I got the revelation that the name of Jesus wasn’t just a place of protection and safety but a superior and advantageous fighting position as well.
Elevated position=Battle stance
Since Eric was in the military and is also a hunter I asked him, “What are the benefits to an elevated position?” He explained that in addition to protection, an elevated position makes for easier targeting of your opponent and a better vantage point.

Fortnite Port-a-Fort
My son, who is currently obsessed with the Fortnite video game, proceeded to get all excited and tell me all about the elevated position advantage (or “height advantage” as he called it). He told me all about how you can see better and get better angles on your opponents, including over cover, and get better headshots. He mentioned that it also protects or hides you from enemy fire and that it’s harder for them to reach you when you’re up higher. When I asked him how he got “height advantage” in the game, he told me that he either builds a tower out of materials (aka “mats”) that he’s harvested, or he can use a Port-a-Fort.
So my main takeaway from our conversation was that there are 3 primary advantages to being in an elevated position.
3 Advantages to an elevated position:
1. Protection
An elevated position provides you safety, especially when you’re surrounded and enclosed as in a tower. You are harder to reach and more difficult to target in this protected position.
2. Better vantage point
In an elevated position you have a better perspective and can see more clearly. This stance can make it easier to see your opponent coming.
3. Advantageous fighting position
You have an advantage over your enemy during battle in an elevated position. In this position you have more control.
The name of God or Jesus is our elevated position
The name of God or Jesus is our elevated position according to Proverbs 18:10. I guess for the Fortnite fans out there, you could say the name of God is our Port-a-Fort! 😀 This name gives us protection, perspective, and an advantageous fighting position.
Jesus’ name is the name above every other name. Even demons tremble in the presence of faith and the name of Jesus. There is power in a name, especially the name of Jesus!
“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 (NLT)
“You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.” James 2:19 (NLT)
Take A Practical Step to Get an Elevated Position:
In times of trouble, worry, or fear, call of the name of Jesus. He will protect you, help you see things more clearly, and give you an advantageous fighting position over your enemy! This can be as simple as saying, “Jesus, help.”
Have you called on the name of God or Jesus in times of trouble? Tell us your story by leaving a comment below!
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Very inspirig article. Very true. The name of Jesus bring blessings and protection against any dangers. “In the name of Jesus we have Victory”