What I Learned From a Bunny About Reaching the Lost: Helping People Without Pushing Them Away
Several years ago my husband stumbled upon something pretty cool in our backyard. It was a bunny nest. Apparently, a rabbit had built a nest in our backyard under the kid’s playset, and when my husband moved it to mow he realized something moving around when he mowed over the area. Now don’t panic (yet)…none of the babies were hurt.
So we moved the playset back over the top of the nest, and I scooped up one of the little escapees and nestled him back in with his siblings so he would be safe. We were even able to watch the momma bunny come back later that evening and nurse the babies as they hopped out from under the playset to meet her. We are some major animal lovers at our house (ok…maybe just my daughter and myself) so this was REALLY cool for us. We come across a variety of wildlife at our house, and we love being able to appreciate them.
What happened next…

Bunny Nest
I wondered about those baby bunnies all night. Well, the next day after dropping my kids off at school I went home and let my dog outside, watching her to make sure she didn’t go near the nest. I noticed several very large crows hovering in the trees over our backyard and flying around. Then I noticed a cat in the wooded area behind our back fence, and sure enough, my dog went straight over to the playset and started sniffing around.
So I went outside to redirect her and shoo away the crows and cat. To my horror (now you can panic), I discovered that the bunny nest had apparently been attacked by some predator. Several of the bunnies were missing, and I found remains of partially eaten bunnies and 2 more that hadn’t been eaten but had apparently been killed. I was mortified!
I noticed there were still 2 babies in the nest. Then, I decided to survey the area for any others and clean up the area to avoid any more predators (probably why the crows were lurking overhead). I found two more babies that were out of the nest. One was further underneath the playset, and one was against the back fence. I retrieved them both to put them back in their nest and get them out of the open.
However, one of the bunnies kept hopping back out and running into the open again when I did. I kept talking to him and said, “Hey, I’m trying to help you. I’m not going to hurt you, just trying to save your life. I’m a friend, not an enemy.” He was understandably very frightened (and apparently couldn’t speak human!). Each time I put him in the nest, he kept running back out until he eventually ran to the fence and underneath it into the wooded area behind our house.
I had to let him go. I said a quick prayer for him and his safety as he hopped away. He didn’t understand that I was trying to help him and that I actually loved him and wouldn’t hurt him. He didn’t understand that I had his best interest in mind.
A spiritual analogy for reaching the lost revealed
It made me think of reaching the lost. I think sometimes when Christians try to approach the issue of salvation, many non-believers are turned off and run away (if not just mentally check out). I think they, like the bunny, don’t understand and realize that we really do care about them and are just trying to help them. It may be that we have their best interest in mind. We don’t want to see them get hurt. We want to save their life.
Sometimes the more we try and the more we push the issue, the more they push back and run away just like the bunny. Sometimes we just have to do our part to try to help them and then just let them go and say a prayer for them. Hopefully, we have given them some food for thought, maybe help will come from somewhere else, and maybe they will eventually find their way back.
Take Some Practical Steps for Reaching the Lost Without Pushing Them Away:
First, keep in mind that to really be able to speak into someone’s life, it’s more effective if there is a relationship and rapport there.
I love the way one of our pastors once explained it: “You have to win someone to yourself before you can ever win them to the Lord.” When reaching the lost, you need to develop a rapport, trust, and relationship with those who need help, and be genuine about it (people can see through false intentions). Invest in them. If they don’t feel they can trust you, they won’t listen to you and won’t let you help them. You’ll seem like a predator.
“You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart.” 1 Peter 1:22 (NLT)
“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.” Romans 12:9 (NLT)
Secondly, when you do discuss Christianity or salvation with others, read their body language, and remember your social skills.
Don’t keep pushing the issue if they are pulling away, shutting down, or seem to be mentally checking out. Sometimes you can do more harm than good and push them away and ruin any future chances of speaking into their lives. Just back off a little. Use discretion and discernment. Don’t be a weirdo.
I remember a guy in college who unfortunately lacked some of these social skills. He truly did love God and had a heart for reaching the lost. He just did it in the wrong way. I think he pushed more people away than winning them over. He would approach total strangers in the cafeteria going from table to table preaching at people, telling them they needed Jesus, telling them they’d go to hell if they didn’t ask Jesus in their heart right then.
He even got into some heated debates and argued publicly with some people at times. Most people just dismissed him as a crazy weirdo and word spread to avoid him at all costs. His assertiveness and pushiness ruined his chances at truly developing relationships, influence, and winning people to God. Don’t be that guy. Nobody ever said you had to win somebody to God in one single setting.
“Seldom set foot in your neighbor’s house– too much of you, and they will hate you.” Proverbs 25:17 (NIV)
“My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them” Proverbs 3:21 (NLT)
Next, if you would like to discuss Christianity or salvation with someone, pray beforehand that God would give you the right words.
“…God will give you the right words at the right time.” Matthew 10:19 (NLT)
“for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you!” Luke 21:15 (NLT)
“And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.” Ephesians 6:19 (NLT)
“The Teacher sought to find just the right words to express truths clearly.” Ecclesiastes 12:10 (NLT)
Then, let Go.
The job of salvation is not yours. You are not a savior. Do your part (keeping the above steps in mind), and then let go and leave the rest to God. Sometimes we just have to know that we planted “seeds”. You never know the path that God has for them. Maybe you are just a step in God’s plan to reach them. He may bring about others or circumstances in their life to continue revealing the truth to them.
I’m telling myself this as much as I’m sharing it with you. I have friends and family that aren’t saved. Sometimes I feel like it’s my job to save them. I just have to do my part, pray for them and let God work on their heart to do the convincing. It’s hard. It was hard to let that bunny go too, but there was nothing more I could do without causing more harm.
“You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21 (NLT)
“Let go ⌊of your concerns⌋! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (GW)
Finally, pray for them.
This is probably the best and most important thing you can do when reaching the lost. Prayer is VERY powerful and effective and produces wonderful results. Read this post on How to Pray for Unsaved Loved Ones.
“…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” James 5:16 (AMP) (I love the NIV and NLT translations of this verse too—check them out.)
Does someone come to mind, who like the babies bunnies, need rescue? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.
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*Updated: Originally posted 6/30/2015
I love to hear how God teaches you practical skills through naturals events! I remember hearing about the bunnies last year-and now to see the insight in this post:)
As I read, I enjoy guessing what will be in your ‘tweet this’ boxes. I cracked up at myself as I read -don’t be a weirdo-and thought ‘now that should be in the tweet this box!!
That’s so funny because I ALMOST DID put the “Don’t be a weirdo.” in a tweet box! Maybe I should have!